Title: Kill Crowley
abstradreams (
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural, Kill Bill, movie crossover
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Ruby, Crowley/Dean, Crowley/Michael
Rating: R
Word Count: ~20,000
Warnings: Extreme Violence, Gore, Torture Imagery, Underage Sexual Exploitations, Vulgar and Sexual Language, Character Deaths
Summary: Dean is left for dead on the day of his wedding rehearsal. He embarks on a revenge mission the extent of which has never been matched against the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. A group in which he used to be a member. As he plots to kill the five individuals that destroyed everything he loved he remembers how he got to this point, and searches for who betrayed him.
Fic link:
HereWelcome to the Art Masterpost of Kill Crowley, a faboulous story by
landahoymateys written for the 2013
deancasbigbang.For the story click
A big round of applause for my awesome author
landahoymateys for writing this fic and being a really awesome person all round.
The art:
1) Fic Banner
2) Copperhead's kid...
A/N : Hi, thanks for checking out my art. Comments and criticism are welcome and I would love you forever if you checked out my other art on my
dA or on
tumblr. If you want to chat or ask any questions, send an ask my way over at my
tumblr I don't really check or use my LJ much so I'm sorry if I don't reply to your comments. That's it. Have a good day! And if you like my art, make sure to read the fic, it's awesome I promise!
A/N 2: I'm really sick right now, I worked more on the second art but I can't find it right now. When I get better, I'll update the page.