Nov 23, 2010 15:49

OOC: Here's the first time your dragons appear, they will be assisting you in the fight. Please post into the thread individually (make your own thread to acknowledge your presence, and then feel welcome to assist others by going into their threads as has been done before.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU START YOUR OWN THREAD FIRST. It does not have to contain an attack (although it can if you like), but at least a reaction to everything that just happened above would be great (and sufficient enough to say your character was part of the battle even if you don't/can't post any more throughout it.)

I'm sure there will be questions comments, so this is being posted early but is not yet open to posting yet. So please head on over to HERE for the OOC discussion.

If you want some music options to listen to to get you pumped for this log, here's a few:

You hear it in a garbled language and your body freezes. It sounds demonic, dripping in raw venom and it rings throughout all of your subconsciouses.

To those near someone close and important to them:
    Stop or see what their insides will look like scattered on the floor in front of you by your own doing

Then, to all:
    Stop and understand what it is you invoke.
You're let go from your frozen states and it's like fumbling through a doorway as the sound of cracking walls, floors and ceilings resonate throughout your ears.

The ceiling crumbles, but the debris disintegrates upon impact with your or anything else.

The floors cave in, but you do not fall, although looking down you can see what lies below on the floors beneath you.

Just when it seems you'll be watching another episode of what happened in Nuadoria, your breaking surroundings are suddenly blown out like high pressured glass, shattering out and spilling that same blackness once more with a roar.

You flinch or you don't, but you're back in that unfamiliar territory of nothingness, or so you think. Because something crashes hard onto the ground in this blackness that you stand (not float like before) on. And the "ground" shakes, trembles at that power before you hear a low growl, calculating and irate all in one and indecisive as any.

And then it cranes its neck and it's as if a light has magically turned on around you and all others because that is what stands before you, far more massive than then several floors to the hotel, perhaps more massive than the cathedral of Nuadoria's tallest bell tower.

It eyes you and everyone else, deciding, recording before it pulls back it head and roars loud enough for you to have to shield your ears:

    Infidels, who are you to trespass into territory that isn't yours?
Some of you may try to answer, screaming in your minds that this has nothing to do with you. The massive dragon-like creature inhales before snorting (does it even listen?).

    Aufseher? Sent by the Magisters, no doubt. How is it so many of you?

    No matter. I will deal with the Robbenfänger after. Insufficient attempt, you will all burn in your deceit and lies
It's true to its threat, drawing its head back before letting out a attack in a flurry of flames.

But that burning heat never scorches you like it should, never peels back the skin to cook the muscles and charred bones lying beneath. You're only blinded by the sight, the flames, the burning colors of death…

… that rush right on by you. As you watch the flames pass on by they eventually flicker out like the wind, leaving you only to look back upon the monster before you.

Except, you find that you are not alone, for a smaller (but still quite large, some of them)… creature of similar structure has placed itself in front of you-one in front of all of you individually, in fact. Some of them rally a warcry, threatening the beast that had spoke moments earlier within your minds. Others just prowl defensively. It's a wonder what defensive manner yours takes (pick).

The first (and biggest) "dragon" says nothing now, only returning the roar, the threat, and it's clear there's a battle to be survived here, if not won.

your die roller: use d20 in the "quick roll" section (on top, first row)
    deciding on attacks: to decide whether an attack lands or not will be used by a dice roller. The start of the event will take place in a chat that allows dice to be rolled. You will roll against the mod and if you are attacking and your roll is higher, it is a successful attack. If not, it will be deflected or counterattacked, depending on the difference in number. If you are defending and roll higher than the attack, you successfully defend or counter attack.

    If you do not wish to participate in chat when doing these battles, that is fine, simply use: to roll your number, put it in the title of your post containing the attack and a mod account will reply with a number in theirs and the appropriate response reaction. (If the mod has the Arkhi attack back, then another number will be in the title and you will have to roll against that to see if their attack lands or your dodge/deflect).

    threads: Fighting the Arkhi is separated into 4 threads to make the location of characters when they're fighting easier for everyone involved. Since the monster is so big, it's not like someone attacking from the left side will necessarily be right next to someone attacking it from the front. Therefore, use the threads to your advantage! If you see a fight being successful from the left side, try fighting over at the right side while the dragon is being bombarded. It can only pay attention to one side at a time and everything is going to be moving really fast.

    Use the "intro" thread for all non combatant stuff, or feel free to start more noncombatant threads in the post. the dragon fight threads and intro threads were just created first to keep it organized, but you're welcome to start your own, too.
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