Fandom: Charmed
Title: Failure
Characters: Piper, Paige, Leo
Word Count: 459
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Unfortunately.
Summary: When Phoebe chooses the Source of All Evil over her sisters, Piper feels like a failure.
Author's Note: This was written for 30_somethings over at IJ. It's a missing scene from "We're Off To See The Wizards." Also, thanks to
ladybug218 for the beta!
"What just happened?" It was a simple question. The words left Piper's mouth very easily. The answer, though, that was a little harder to fathom. She couldn't say the words. She looked at Paige and Leo, hoping one of them would tell her they had all imagined Phoebe throwing fire. Neither of them said what she wanted to hear.
"Let's get out of here," Leo suggested. Piper looked around the room. It was quiet at the moment. It was hard to believe that after what had just happened. Phoebe threw fire, a demonic power. The Seer showed up and...Piper shook her head. The hows or whys didn't matter. Phoebe chose to go to hell with Cole...or was he the Source of All Evil now? Didn't matter. Piper had watched in horror as Phoebe chose him over her own sisters.
"I think that's a good idea," Paige whispered sadly before orbing away.
Piper said nothing as she took Leo's hand. The next thing she knew, she was standing in the foyer of the Manor. It was dark. It was quiet. It was almost as if the quiet was shouting at her. It was taunting her. It let her know that Phoebe very clearly was gone.
"What now?" Paige asked, breaking the eerie silence.
Piper knew Paige expected some sort of answer. She was the oldest. She was supposed to be the leader, something she never asked for.
"I...I don't know," Piper replied, the sound of defeat in her voice.
She didn't wait for Paige or Leo to tell her it would all be okay, that they'd figure something out. She briskly walked up the steps, away from them. She needed to be alone right now.
She ended up in the attic, frantically flipping through the pages of the Book of Shadows. There had to be something in there, right? It would tell her how to get her sister back, wouldn't it? But it didn't tell her anything. It couldn't bring Phoebe back just like it couldn't bring Prue back.
"I can't do this anymore," Piper said to herself as she sank slowly to the couch.
She failed. Not only did she fail as leader of the Charmed Ones, but she had failed as a sister, too. She never wanted the extra responsibility Prue always had. Prue never would have let this happen. She would have noticed something was wrong. She never would have let The Source corrupt her little sister. She would have listened to Paige...
Piper buried her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. She had let everyone down by allowing this to happen. Without Phoebe, the Charmed Ones couldn't last much longer. All the good they had done? It didn't matter now.
It was over.
Evil had won.