Absolut Chloe Challenge (Fifth Wave)

Jul 14, 2008 18:07

Absolut Reporter Challenge (Fifth Wave)

What’s in a name? A reporter by any other name would be as iconic.

I was going to go with a different challenge, but I think that this is what needs to be ficced right now. Good, solidly written reporter!Chloe. You know, the character we were given for five years before TPTB realized they didn’t know how to write two characters with the same job (or any characters when it doesn’t involve a triangle). If you would like to write Chloe S6 on, you may, but she still must have a strong reporterly VERVE.

So you have some options:

1) reporter!Chlois. Iconic mythosy things ahead. Bump off/ignore/deal with Chloe’s cousin however you see fit.
2) Post S3 Vicky Vale reporter!Chloe and subsequent Chruce. J
3) meteor freak!reporter!Chloe involving her coping with her powers/conflict in reporting on the meteor freaks who damage the reputations of all metahumans OR involving her mental breakdown as a result of her meteor powers
4) Phoenix!Reporter!Chloe involving her juggling her reporter duties and her heroing
5) secret alien!reporter Chloe. She doesn’t have to be Kryptonian, but it would still be fun. :P
6) normal S1-5 reporter!Chloe during which Lois may or may not exist as a budding reporter and/or character. Lois could vie for reportership herself, or be a stripper, or lop off her hair and change her name to Mercy. You know, whatever you like.

As always, romance is okay (and assumed if you’re doing Chlois) and all pairing as acceptable (except the one), but try not to let it dominate the fic. Stretch your storytelling skills and come up with a great mystery for Chloe to solve, or have her writing a huge expose, or perhaps being chased by the mob for her huge expose! :P Run free and wild, but do our spunky blond proud in a fic that features her and her first love: reporting.

Rules and Jazz:
1. The focus of Absolut Chloe challenges are about Chloe Sullivan as a character. Chloe must be the main character in the fic/vid/art. Chloe-centric is preferred, but it is fine if there are other main characters.
2. No Chloe bashing. For the love of JEEBUS, no Chimmy romance or pod!Chloe.
3. Claim your prompt here if you intend to participate by July 24th. To start off, three per prompt.
4. Post or link your fic/vid/art to this community by August 24th.
5. Length: 500 words and up. No works in progress. Give us an ending.
6. Please include warnings for rape, abuse, incest, or death. Anything you think might trigger. Thanks.
7. Include the following header at the top of your entry:
Category: fic/art/vid

ab chloe challenge

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