For this challenge, we will be delving into Chloe’s recent discovery of her power, as seen in Phantom and Bizarro. Now, since at this point we don’t know how her powers work, you can take some creative license and speculate on how the powers actually work. Is it empathy? Is it simply healing? What are her limits and how must she cope with her status of metahuman?
After that, taking from her resurrection in Bizarro and Vandal Savage’s belief that her heart would cause his love to live forever in Cure: All Chloes in this fic challenge will be immortal.
Tell us the story of Chloe the immortal.
Rules and Jazz:
1. The focus of this challenge is Chloe as a character. Thus, all pairings are acceptable, including crossovers, but the focus must be on the girl not the romance.
2. Chloe must be a main character in the fic/vid/art. Chloe-centric is preferred, but it is fine if there are other main characters. For example, you can have a Clex pairing, as long as Chloe plays a leading role somehow and the creator uses the piece to illuminate or go into deeper exploration of the prompt.
3. Fics, vids, and art/manips will be judged separately, but all are acceptable. Participants will get a fabulous banner.
4. Comment here if you intend to participate by November 30th. A list of participants will be posted. If you need to drop out, you MUST email or comment on of these entries to let the mods know you won’t be participating.
5. To help you if you get stuck, you can discuss your challenge ideas
here 6. Post or link your fic/vid/art to this community on January 4th.
8. Length: 200 words and up. No works in progress. Give us an ending.
9. Please include warnings for rape, abuse, incest, or death. Anything you think might trigger. Thanks.
10. Include the following header at the top of your entry:
Category: fic/art/vid