(no. 5); 26 Shoujo Kakumei Utena icons for OTP20in20

Feb 19, 2011 05:49

First things first, sorry watchlist. I TEND TO JUMP AROUND FROM DIFFERENT FANDOMS & GENRES. I don't mean to spam you with animanga icons but atm this is where I'm posting them. D: lol I warned you. There will be a fandom related icon post soon though! With lots of irl stuff. So just wait for that.


lol this preview is nothing new. I just randomly picked some icons, these aren't my faves.

I thought about this set too much. Not in a "oh well I'm doing something new way" more in a "why can't this image look good with yellow" way. :/ I was so indecisive with this set it isn't even funny. I wasted so much time over thinking & remaking icons that I ended up kind of blowing off my other 20in20 claim. Like I stupidly did this set first thinking it was due before my GaGa one & surprise, surprise the GaGa one is due in like 3 days while this one is in a week. :/

I had like 3 ideas that I wanted to do for this set. I was going to do a manga set, didn't happen because I suck at resizing manga colorings. :/ FFS HOW FUCK DO YOU DO IT FIENDIE, AENTEE, RYFEE, NNA-CHAN, CE_LESTIC? I NEED TO STOP LISTING PEOPLE BC I'LL BE HERE ALL DAY. The second was mixed art from manga & anime, it's just that I started iconning a lot of the anime images by the time I realized that it was heavily animu dominated it was too late. So I made it an anime set instead.

ALSO, LULZ, I LOVE THE IMPLICATIONS IN THIS ANIME/MANGA. NOT REALLY BECAUSE THEY'RE VERY OBVIOUS ABOUT THINGS. REALLY. ALL I KNOW IS THAT I LOVE THE ART IN GENERAL AND IT WAS FUN TO ICON. My ass cheated by using official art hence...some of the pairings. Also I killed a lot of Anthys hair bc it was bitch to extract. :/ This series is amazing. That is all.


Signs of Affection
Heart Symbol
Foreign Language

Negative Space
Frame Texture
Upside Down
Valentines Card




16: AC1
17: AC2
18: AC3
19: AC4
20: AC5

→ Signs of Affection = They're hugging & I, like, put text related to touching in there.
→ Mythology = Look I just interpreted the mythology of The Rose Bride & so forth. I'll come back & edit this explanation later. :/
→ Foreign Language = *"Dans tes bras c'est mon destin" = My destinty is in your arms in French, such wonderful gracious Google translated French in there.
→ Happiness = I'm not even going into this one.
→ Valentines Card = :D :C D: I'm sorry.
→ Gradient = I did red → yellow orange. The icons actually line up.
→ Artists Choice = I wound up making this set together because I've always wanted to make a set that was connected.
See the texture connect with each other: with the exception of one.


I'd like to dedicate this set to astrokittie, for motivating me telling me to get off my ass & giving me a tip. Also that fucking Dominos pizza delivery guy, Eric according to my confirmation e-mail, who never showed up with my pizza. Esp. YOU Eric for not showing up with my veggie pizza, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't of worked on these icons. I would have eaten my pizza instead but I didn't, instead I raged & iconned. Thank you Eric.

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anime/manga: shoujo kakumei utena, !!20in20 marathon, !!icons

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