It took a bit longer than I thought, but there is an article on the BBC website about who should be the next Doctor when David Tennant leaves at the end of next year. is the article in question.
The names they mention are:
Paterson Joseph - Played Roderick in Bad Wolf and Parting Of The Ways.
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Comments 5
...other than him, I'm totally for Simon Amstell XD XD XD lmao.
Simon Amstell would be hilarious - especially if Jack ever goes back. It'll be NWTB all over again! *giggles*
I don't suppose I'll really mind all that much who gets the role, but I have to admit I've been ready for a new doctor for a while now. Not that DT did a rubbish job or anything but I feel he's had his time and his companions and I want someone new and shiny to start the whole thing all over again, you know?
Who're you keen on?
I did have a feeling that when RTD said he was going, then David would be as well. Give Steven Moffatt a blank canvas so to speak.
Personally - I'd have gone for Richard Armitage but with him just having gone to Spooks then I don't think it'll happen.
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DT will be missed - that goes without saying - but you are right. Whoever they get to eventually do it will have a very hard task infront of them
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