Current Nominees

Jan 01, 2013 20:21

Current Nominees for Round Four
Updated: 1/30/13

Best Overall Angst - CLOSED
  1. The Lonely Ones by velvetwhip (R; Willow/Angel)
  2. Shattered by naughtynyx88 (NC17; Willow/Angel)
  3. Five Times Buffy and Angel Let Go and The One Time They Held On by angelus2hot (G; Angel/Buffy)
  4. My Buffy by secondalto (R; Giles/Buffy)
  5. The Choice by
    redeem147 (PG13; Team Buffy)
  6. Santa’s Sack by librarian2003 (R; Angel)
  7. Hell Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry by lynnenne (PG; Angel, Spike)
  8. Abridgement by quinara (PG-13; Dawn)
  9. Anniversary by
    jedi_penguin (PG13; Giles/Buffy)
  10. Fracture by
    snowpuppies (R; Angel/Buffy)

Best Overall Dark - CLOSED
  1. Yet They Grind Exceeding Small by aadler (G; Angel)
  2. Frankenstein (the without pity remix) by
    snowpuppies (NC17; Adam/Oz)
  3. Violazioni by shakensilence (NC17; Willow/Angel)
  4. Plaything by ash_carpenter (NC17; Spike/Willow/Angel)
  5. Original Sin by tamibrandt (NC17; Angel(us)/Drusilla)
  6. Dirty Blonde by KittyKarnivore (NC17; Spike/Buffy)
  7. Why Don’t You Do Right? by snogged (NC-17; Tara/Warren)
  8. Descended Into Hell by seductivembrace (NC-17; Xander/Angelus)
  9. Breaking the Office Pet by shylahmask (NC-17; Angel/Spike)
  10. Black Widow by bogwitch (NC-17; Spike/Buffy)

Best Drabble (100-600 words) - CLOSED
  1. Le Petit Mort by snogged (NC17; First Slayer/OFC)
  2. Untitled (post-The Gift) by red_satin_doll (PG-13; Buffy)
  3. Daisies by spike_1790 (PG; Dawn)
  4. just you by
    Coalitiongirl (G; Willow/Kennedy, Willow/Tara)
  5. Earth Stood Hard by brutti_ma_buoni (R; Dru, OMC)
  6. One Little Candle by
    Eurydice72 (PG13; Spike, Buffy, Giles)
  7. Final Entry by ellenemi (G; Giles)
  8. Stolen Screams by
    JaneDavitt (NC17; Rupert Giles/Spike, Jenny Calendar/Rupert Giles, Drusilla/Spike)
  9. Bruises by shapinglight (PG; Spike/Buffy)
  10. Big Girls Don't Cry by ruuger (PG; Buffy, Giles, Hank)

Best Ficlet (601-999 words) - CLOSED
  1. Closure by local_max (PG; Willow)
  2. Tea for Torture? by iwillnotyield (NC17; Buffy, Giles)
  3. Drive it Like You Stole It by beer_good_foamy (PG13; Lilah/Faith)
  4. Bitter Truth by
    Wanderlustlover (G; Willow/Tara)
  5. Whispers of Futures Past by sparrow2000 (PG; Spike/Xander)
  6. Anguished Eyes by raemcn (PG-13; Wesley)
  7. Interview With a Vampire by spike_1790 (R; Spike)
  8. Perseverance by kindkit (PG-13; Giles/Oz)
  9. The Tears of Polychrome by velvetwhip (PG; Angel, Willow)
  10. Fading by skargasm (R; Spike/Xander)

Best Het - CLOSED
  1. Sharing Shadows by
    Angearia (PG13; Spike/Buffy)
  2. Careful what you wish for... by naughtynyx88 (NC17; Angel/Willow)
  3. Life, Continuing by brutti_ma_buoni (PG-13; Wesley/Illyria)
  4. Dirty Blonde by KittyKarnivore (NC17; Spike/Buffy)
  5. The Sun Sets Forever Tonight
    JaneDavitt (PG13; Spike/Drusilla)
  6. West of the Moon, East of the Sun by knifeedgefic (NC-17; Spike/Buffy)
  7. Character by nwhepcat (NC17; Faith/Wesley)
  8. Sunspots by bogwitch (PG-13; Spike/Buffy)
  9. Slayer by oroburos69 (PG-13; Spike/Buffy)
  10. Five Names Angel Called Buffy by a2zmom (R; Angel/Buffy)

Best Slash - CLOSED
  1. Hypocrite, Save Thyself by
    Barnabas (R; Faith/Buffy)
  2. Intercessions by
    Chellefic (NC17; Willow/Dawn)
  3. Upon The Edge Of No Escape by beer_good_foamy (R; Faith/Lilah)
  4. Hollow by
    snowpuppies (NC17; Faith/Darla)
  5. Descended Into Hell by seductivembrace (NC-17; Xander/Angelus)
  6. Easy by velvetwhip (NC-17; Angel/Riley)
  7. Lost Love: A Story Told Backwards by spike_1790 (R; Spike/Xander)
  8. Don't You Waste Me in the Ground by ever_neutral (PG-13; Buffy/Faith)
  9. The Scapegoat by kindkit (NC-17; Giles/Andrew)
  10. Kill for Me by skargasm (NC-17; Spike/Xander)

Best Gen - CLOSED
  1. Yet They Grind Exceeding Small by aadler (G; Angel)
  2. This Is the End for Which We Twain Are Met by velvetwhip (PG-13; Willow, Angel)
  3. Comfort by secondalto (R; Giles, Xander)
  4. Seasons Keep On Marching by brutti_ma_buoni (PG-13; Giles, Lilah)
  5. Abridgement by quinara (PG-13; Dawn)
  6. Dear Girl by spikeslovebite (R; Darla)
  7. half a world away (she weeps) by artemis_ephesus (PG; Willow)
  8. Even the Demons Tremble by penny_lane_42 (PG-13; Anya)
  9. All the Same by
    deird1 (PG-13; Willow)
  10. Grief That Does Not Speak by estepheia (R; Giles, Angel)

  1. As Moonlight Unto Sunlight by aadler (PG; Angel, Ensemble)
  2. Feeding by dragonyphoenix (R; Willow)
  3. Violazioni by shakensilence (NC17; Willow/Angel)
  4. Swan Song by librarian2003 (PG; Angel)
  5. Seasons Keep On Marching by brutti_ma_buoni (PG13; Giles, Lilah)
  6. Another Time, Another Place by angelus2hot (NC17; Angel/Vamp!Buffy, Vamp!Xander/Vamp!Willow)
  7. Even the Demons Tremble by penny_lane_42 (PG-13; Anya)
  8. Come Crashing Down by
    deird1 (PG-13; Xander)
  9. Lost Love: A Story Told Backwards by spike_1790 (R; Spike/Xander)
  10. Magister by gilescandy (NC-17; Giles, ensemble)

Most Original - CLOSED
  1. As Moonlight Unto Sunlight by aadler(PG; Angel, Ensemble)
  2. Santa’s Sack by librarian2003 (R; Angel)
  3. Life, Continuing by brutti_ma_buoni (PG-13; Wesley/Illyria)
  4. Hell Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry by lynnenne (PG; Angel, Spike)
  5. Another Time, Another Place by angelus2hot (NC17; Angel/Vamp!Buffy, Vamp!Xander/Vamp!Willow)
  6. West of the Moon, East of the Sun by knifeedgefic (NC-17; Spike/Buffy)
  7. Final Instructions by
    deird1 (PG; Giles)
  8. Black Widow by bogwitch (NC-17; Spike/Buffy)
  9. The Watcher-watch Diary '98 by gilescandy (R; Giles, Willow, Xander, Oz, Cordelia)
  10. A Matter Of... by
    randi2204 (PG-13; Spike/Buffy)

Best Broken Heart - CLOSED
  1. Two Characters in Search of an Ending by velvetwhip (PG13; Buffy/Angel)
  2. My Buffy by secondalto (R; Giles/Buffy)
  3. Innocence (the if you love me remix) by
    snowpuppies (NC17; Buffy/Angel(us))
  4. half a world away (she weeps) by artemis_ephesus (PG; Willow)
  5. Death Takes Its Toll by raemcn (R; Spike/Buffy)
  6. All the Same by
    deird1 (PG-13; Willow)
  7. Grief That Does Not Speak by estepheia (R; Giles, Angel)
  8. Shame by naughtynyx88 (R; Giles, Willow, Angelus, Drusilla)
  9. Always by bogwitch (G; Buffy, Dawn)
  10. Lost by abelina (R; Spike/Buffy)

Best Episode Re-Write
  1. Innocence (the if you love me remix) by
    snowpuppies (NC17; Buffy/Angel(us))
  2. The Lonely Ones by velvetwhip (R; Willow/Angel)
  3. Upon The Edge Of No Escape by beer_good_foamy (R; Faith/Lilah)
  4. Why Don’t You Do Right? by snogged (NC-17; Tara/Warren)
  5. Character by nwhepcat (NC17; Faith/Wesley)
  6. Responsibilities and Repercussions by
    jedi_penguin (G; Buffy)
  7. Fin Amour by angearia (PG-13; Spike/Buffy)
  8. Stockholm Syndrome by 3hours (NC-17; Spike/Willow)
  9. Defenseless by rebcake (PG-13; Spike/Buffy)

Best Author
  1. aadler
  2. red_satin_doll
  3. local_max
  4. ash_carpenter
  5. iwillnotyield
  6. naughtynyx88
  7. beer_good_foamy
  8. secondalto
  9. tamibrandt

  10. Angearia

  11. redeem147
  12. KittyKarnivore
  13. ellenemi

  14. JaneDavitt
  15. knifeedgefic
  16. gilescandy
  17. skargasm

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