Thanks to everyone who voted! The following categories will open for Round Four in January, 2013:
For Round Four
- Best Overall Angst Fic
Displays a general depressive mood or sense of anxiety or disquiet, but does not contain graphic dark elements. The ending can be happy or sad.
- Best Overall Dark Fic
Must contain some overarching or graphic dark element or theme, such as dubious consent or non-consensual sex, torture (psychological or physical) or slavery.
- Best Drabble/Ficlet
Between 100 and 999 words, both angst and dark fics are eligible.
- Best Het
The focus is on a romantic or sexual relationship between different-sexed individuals, both angst and dark fics are eligible.
- Best Slash
The focus is on a romantic or sexual relationship between same-sexed individuals, both angst and dark fics are eligible.
- Best Gen
The focus should NOT be on a romantic or sexual relationship, both angst and dark fics are eligible.
- Best AU
For fics in which there is a significant change in canon, resulting in an alternate timeline that is measurably different from the original. Both dark and angst fics are eligible.
- Most Original
For fics with an original element, either in plot or storytelling, apart from common fandom tropes and methods. Both dark and angst fics are eligible.
- Best Broken Heart
Must focus on the experience of being broken-hearted. Both angst and dark fics are eligible.
- Best Episode Re-Write
Should take place entirely within the time constraints of the episode and not venture out into the season. i.e. the timeline of the fic should not extend past the end of the episode, although it can create significant changes to canon events. Both dark and angst fics eligible.
- Best Author
For a writer who excels in Angsty and/or Dark fiction.