Road to self improvement.

Jan 06, 2008 12:47

I really hate trying to configure my journal so everyone can see it and comment on it etc. If you cant post a comment here and youre not a registered user I guess note me on dA, I dont really know.

Anyways. If all goes as planned and annonymous posting to all veiwers is inabled, then. I wanna know some things I can improve on. Like, person-wise I ( Read more... )

ryns a gay

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Comments 8

anonymous January 7 2008, 08:33:38 UTC
anonymous January 7 2008, 21:21:15 UTC
anonymous January 7 2008, 21:42:59 UTC
Re: Look, LJ works! aboywithhooves January 7 2008, 22:15:46 UTC
ohjeeze, now I feel like doing this is asking for asspats. THATS REALLY N0T THE CASE 0KAY? ;; *hides face in pillow* And no, I wont do anything stupider than what is the usual me. :B *walks into a closed door*

ANYWAYS G00D, GET A NEW LJ and poooossstt damnit. Even little snippits from fics youre working on (hint:Im very impatient, ok?) and all your stuff. Ill make it pretty for you, too. on that note, Im still available for beta`ing your new chapter *hinthint nudgenudge sit on*

And I never thought of if like that ;A; I just didnt trust myself to not have an emo fest all over you guys, and I didnt want you thinking I DIED so I just shove up BRB messages on dA. ;n; Im sorry *latches onto and facerubbies* Anyways, sweet, I have tests this week so I dont know how much I even CAN be on, but when I get the chance, I cant wait. xD And trashing org infinity, ftw!

Also, tell cloneclone I fag hard for him and not to worry, when you get the chance. Thnx *snoggles on and infects you with cooties* x3


anonymous January 7 2008, 19:12:57 UTC
Re: this is going to sound horribly horribly cheesy buuuuut... aboywithhooves January 7 2008, 21:30:54 UTC
Haha really? I kinda thought you where getting tired of me pretty much NEVER being there. Im always away or somewhere else when you IM me. You and Larx have THE W0RST timing ever. But its okay, I still love you fags. Also, like the one journal said, its horribly difficult to converse with people for me, so Im sorry if Ive been sounding kinda... weird lately or anything. Its not intentional ( ... )


anonymous January 8 2008, 05:10:28 UTC
Re: Cloneclone aboywithhooves January 8 2008, 15:09:30 UTC
I wonder if you'll even get this reply, seeing as youre not a LJ member, unless it made you put in your eMail. ANYWAYS. YOU ALL FAIL OK? Im asking for people to falcon punch me and tell me to straighten up and stop doing _____ and so far everyones just like ;; we love you zeku, youre fine how you are. :c but no, ilu guys even if youre so deluted to like me as I am. *snoggles on* ...... wait, "watch me go to jail for pedoing on some short emo kid" was that a reference to my hight? D:;; ow. Anyway, Ill see you there for the same crime ;U ( ... )


anonymous January 11 2008, 03:41:12 UTC
Re: Cloneclone aboywithhooves January 11 2008, 15:21:51 UTC
I was gonna get online last night, but... I didnt ;D;' I dunno. I really wanna talk to youuuu and like, a few other people, but its so awkward when I try holding a conversation with anyone now. How I people skillz? ;~; but Ill be online tonight I suppose, for you bby.

AND JEEZE D: ;;; I said I wouldnt, if I magically happen to die, someone shanked my ass... probably that guy that I got in the wreck with. Anyways, I dont mean to stess you out like that X_X; crap, Im a bad friend. ok ok Ill be back tonight. *snoggles on* 'n'...... it's really weird when you call me by that name. Its like when mom says my whole name and Im in trouble :B;

Aaaannnddd Im still happy for you about your cat, what a relief. YOUR DAD GETS MANY PROPS. For taking him to the vet or whatever. Poor other kitty though xD;;

ILU2, HO. I miss shota-licious body c: *FBI'd*


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