Title: Fire the fancy and quicken the blood
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: Language lessons by Ianto. Just a bit of lighthearted fun, the kind Jack and Ianto like to have, of course.
Spoilers: Nothing, really...unspecified series 2. This is pre-CoE.
Notes: For
caliena at Five Acts Round Four, who wanted foreign languages,
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Comments 8
You made Welsh vowels sexy without resorting to overused fandom tropes. You worked in a few interesting character bits and a believable, unforced, sexy ease between the characters.
If it's okay, I'm going to friend you so I never miss anything else you write :)
Definitely okay to friend me - thanks so much! :) I'm just getting back into Torchwood after a time away after being butthurt over CoE, so I'm sure I'll be searching out fics, myself.
I gave Miracle Day the old college try, but I'm just not buying it myself. Curious if you're watching and, if so, how you're reacting. I can rec a few comms if you're interested in staying with pre-CoE Torchwood.
Anyhow, pleased to meet you and looking forward to whatever else you come up with!
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