Fic or Treat 2009

Oct 31, 2009 18:05

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I need one of those candy bowl hands.

Happy Halloween!

I stole this idea (and most of the text below, actually) from bowlerhat_girl. Because I need fic prompts, because I'm lazy, and most importantly, because she's awesome.

Want candy of the fanfic/drabble kind?

1. Leave your prompts in this format: Fandom, character and/or pairing, prompt (word, phrase, situation, lyric, etc.). Also note any special preferences, like if you don't want a certain pairing, or if you won't read past a certain rating, etc.
2. Fandoms I will write: Lost (up until season 4; I'm fuzzy on and not finished with 5), M*A*S*H, Bones, Torchwood, The Office (US), Battlestar Galactica. I'll attempt Glee. I'll even write you seasons 6-8 ER, if you want me to. I'll also write Carmen Sandiego/Where's Waldo as a pairing because they are my new favorite crack fandom ;) Basically, anything I've written before (check the archive and/or tags) is fair game, in addition to those mentioned above. I'll write gen, het, slash, or femmeslash.
3. Characters/pairings I will not write: pro-Jack/Kate on Lost (I'll write them, but not sympathetically), Sawyer/Juliet on Lost, Jack/Sawyer on Lost, Jack/Gwen on Torchwood. I think that's all my absolute no-nos.
4. You can leave me as many prompts as you'd like, but I'll probably only write one fic for each person. Unless your prompts are just that awesome and I have to write more.
5. May or may not be Halloween related. Your choice.
6. I'll be accepting prompts from now until Monday, November 2, 2009 at 9:00 PM local. I'll let you know when I have your fic ready and posted.

Anyone who wants candy fic can ask for it! I'm looking for prompts! Some may be written for mini_nanowrimo, because that'll work out nicely as it begins tomorrow.

Happy Halloween and happy prompting!

event: fic or treat

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