RPF || Ambiguous

Feb 26, 2008 23:51

Title: Ambiguous
Rating: G
Summary: Went. Sarah. Scrabble. Josh.
Author's Notes/Disclaimer: xshorty24x made me do it. And this piece follows her Clumsy and precedes muldy's Oblivious. Because Went said, "actually Sarah and her husband have whipped my ass on a number of occasions I'm sad to report" and he's always such an inspiration. And once again, I'm back off this train (at least publicly).

She lays down her final letter, an s, and smirks at him. "That one's for you."

"Ambiguous." He draws out the word and meets her eyes, which look just as cloudy as his feels, and he has to remind himself it's only because of the three glasses of wine she's had. "Nice."

He glances down at his letters and thinks of how perfectly his l and o and e would fit with the v she had earlier used for violin. It wouldn't get him many points, but as long as they were describing each other. . .

And then her husband reenters the room, laughing at his wife's word choice, and reminding Went exactly why it is he won't lay down the word love - not on the Scrabble board there in her living room, or anywhere else in the privacy of their own time.

Josh glances to Went, smiles and nods, and damn it, just like always he can't help but like him. "Your turn?"

Taking a deep breath, he nods and goes through his letters, all the while knowing it never actually will be.

rpf, wentasaur, went/sarah, sarah wc

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