Title: The Book Shop
bsgroxmysoxRating: T
Summary: Since the decommissioning of the Battlestar Galactica, Laura Roslin's life has changed dramatically. Now it's time for her to move to a new town and make another change. Will the support from a familiar face and a new friend help her get back on her feet?
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters just borrowing them for a little fun
A/N: I'm so sorry about the delay! My crazy life has been...well....crazy! This story was written before I began posting to prevent posting lapses like this but you can't predict life eh? Anyway, please enjoy and again....my deepest apologies.
Thank you to
bsg_aussiegirl for the beta!
“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.”