I will remind everyone the answers will be from BSG episodes (plus Razor and the Plan) only.
You have 12 hours to complete. That will be 8.30am Brisbane time on this
world clock. 5 points for participation, and an extra point for each correct answer.
1. What did Cottle remove when he operated on him?
2. What does his uncle do for a living?
3. Name the Battlestars we know for sure he served on, and what rank he had on each.
4. What was the name of the Admiral who ordered him to send Bulldog over the redline?
5. What pyramid team does he follow?
6. What’s his full name?
7. Whose lighter did he let Lee borrow? Who bought it and when?
8. We all know his callsign, but what other nickname/abbreviated name did he have when he was younger?
9. What are the three names he called his wife? (Hint: Howler Monkey is not correct.)
10. What impressive feat did he manage in the First Cylon War which gained him a commendation?