Title: Universe is cruel, part 6
Characters: Jackie Tyler, Rose Tyler, The Doctor (10th), The Doctor (Duplicate 10th) and many others
Raiting: All
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
Spoilers: up till JE
Summary: The Doctor and Rose live a fantastic life on Pete's World until one drunk driver shatters it all.
Previous Jackie watches her daughter from the corner of her eye. She’s just left her in her wheelchair at the graves. She watches Rose staring at the rocks, opening her mouth trying to say something. After a few minutes of struggle Rose collapses crying
“I can’t. I can’t,” she whispers clutching her mother’s collar. “I can’t... these rocks… It’s just so not right. I just can’t”
Jackie caresses her hair, trying to calm her.
“Let’s go home, sweetheart. You’re not ready yet. Let’s go home. We’ll come here again as soon as you want, but it’s better to go home now, luv.”
She cries silently to herself while Rose sobs on her chest. She pulled way gently and pushed the wheelchair back to the car. They don’t talk on their way home.
A week passed after that first visit to the cemetery before Rose asked to go there again and since then she went every day. At first she just sat there silently watching patches of sunlight dance on the stones, the wind caress them with soft grass that has already grown tall in the past 2 and a half months. Each time she came she saw little differences. One day she didn’t notice that she spoke about them aloud. Another day she found out she was talking to him trying to get his response from the dance of the grass, the soft blow of the wind, the teasing sunlight. It frightens her and she doesn’t come back for another two weeks. She’s scared. She’s not ready to admit he’s gone, admit this cold stones are everything that’s left of her family. Jackie worries and doesn’t understand. Surprisingly, Martha does. She lost all her family including her husband to the Cybermen the day Rose first set foot on this Earth. Rose likes this gentle young woman and clings to her friendship, like it is the rock in the heart of a thunderstorm.
Rose talks to her baby. A lot. She enjoys waves of joy or even distress wraps her as the little one’s response to her thoughts and words. Her belly is really big now and even though her legs are quite functional now, she still mostly uses the wheelchair. She likes it never being fully in charge of what to do or where to go. The day she comes to the cemetery again is cold and rainy. Martha leaves her wheelchair at the Doctor’s and Jamie’s graves and leaves to visit her own loved ones. Rose hesitates, but eventually, starts talking. She tells her little baby about her father. She hasn’t checked the baby’s gender, but somehow she knows she’s a girl. She just knows. She tells her about her brother. She tells her about their life together. She doesn’t feel tears running down her cheeks as she talks fondly of the wonderful time they had together. The baby is still, she’s listening, Rose is sure of that, so she continues telling the wonderful story of her travels with the Doctor and their love and their life together. It’s long after nightfall that Martha drives her home. They talk about the Doctor and another Martha Jones.
She doesn’t need a wheelchair but she insists on using it. No one objects. There isn’t a person (old enough) in her family who hasn’t lost a beloved wife or husband before. Rose knows she has to make the last step but the thought is terrifying so she hides it in the furthest corners of her mind. Sometimes she still forgets he’s not there to pass her salt or something equally little. It’s the silence that makes her cry and it’s waves of worry and love radiating from her unborn daughter that calms her. It reminds her of the one tiny but very important thing left of him - their daughter. She tries the ground next to the wheelchair but doesn’t dare to wake a step. The solidness of it, the finality is killing her.
Rose wakes up in the morning with the knowledge, that it’s the last day of this halflife. Tomorrow her little girl will tear the world with her first cry. She knows she won’t be able to be numb after that. She doesn’t want to. The Doctor and Jamie would never want her miss her daughter’s first months. And she won’t. She dresses and pulls herself into the wheelchair than uses the elevator to get to the kitchen. Her mother is alone there.
“Mum, can you take me to see Doctor and Jamie?” she asks Jackie.
The older woman flinches and studies her daughters determined face. She know it’s the turning point so she simply agrees.
“Sure. Care for some breakfast first?” she launches herself from the table to put the kettle on and make some toasts.
Jackie leaves Rose in her wheelchair at the graves and walks back to the car. Jackie’s never been good at leaving people to have their private moments, but she knows this is Rose’s and the Doctor’s last. She has no right to spoil it however curious and worried she is. She knows what’s it all about and knows that Rose has to do it on her own. So she stays in the car until she sees Rose walking confidently towards the car pulling her wheelchair behind her and helping her belly with another hand. Her eyes are wet and sad; she doesn’t look her mother in the eyes. She’s not sure she’s strong enough to even pretend she knows what she is doing, but she has to give it a try. She owed it to her daughter.
They don’t talk on their way back home.