Title: Universe is cruel, part 3
Characters: Jackie Tyler, Rose Tyler, The Doctor (10th), The Doctor (Duplicate 10th) and many others
Raiting: All
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
Spoilers: up till JE
Summary: The Doctor and Rose live a fantastic life on Pete's World until one drunk driver shatters it all.
Previous Jackie was feeding Rose in the kitchen. This time she was glad she didn’t have to massage her throat to make her swallow the food. Probably photos and things all around the house did their job… Two silent days passed since Rose was back at her parents’ house. If nothing happened during the day they’d have to show Rose the video. Lost in her thoughts Jackie didn’t notice Rose’s gaze focused on her at first. It was when she started turning her head in all directions to look around that snapped her out of her musings.
“Rose? What is it sweetheart?”
The younger woman kept looking around desperately searching for something. Jackie took her hand to catch her attention. Rose stared at her, but it wasn’t that absent look she had in the last nearly two months. For the first time she seemed to hear what her mother was telling her. She opened her mouth in attempt to say something but coughed instead. Jackie rushed to the fridge to get a glass milk and then put it in a microwave to warm the thing up a bit. Rose was still looking around warily.
“Here you are,” Jackie put the glass into Roses good hand and helped her to drink. “Good girl.” Jackie held the glass in her daughter’s weak hand while she was drinking. It was the first contact with her. For the first time Jackie felt hope rising in her heart. Rose signaled she was finished with milk and made another attempt to say something. She flinched at the sound of her voice, harsh and quiet.
“Who’s here?” It was the least expected question from Jackie’s point of view.
“No one, dear, just you and me. Pete’s at work and Tony’s at school.” Jackie looked concerned but her voice was soft and tender.
Rose paused trying to understand what her mother was saying. Then she turned around as if she didn’t believe her.
“But I feel… somebody… watching me…” she kept turning around, coughing, talking was hard for her. “I feel it… like… someone’s trying…. to reach me…” she swallowed hard, “getattention”.
Jackie was taken aback. So it was probably it. But how could she explain what was going on? Was Rose even aware of the baby? It was the first coherent dialog they had since the accident and Jackie was terrified by bringing up the Doctor and everything related.
She swallows the food someone is giving her. She isn’t hungry. Not really. She just lets this basic instinct do it’s job. Her body feels alien. She hasn’t moved for… She’s noticed a few times people taking care of her. She doesn’t really feel the touch. Her body is alien. Flashbacks don’t bother her anymore. The blackness of sleeping is just blackness, and whiteness of being awake is not that different. She is an empty shell. No thoughts, no memories, no feelings, even no pain. She is so alone in this emptiness, but it doesn’t drive her crazy because she has nothing in her mind to lose. It’s empty. Even no ticking left. She swallows her food.
There’s a flash in her whiteness. It’s nearly unnoticeable but too alien for the void in her to let it pass. The flash comes again, this time it’s a bit bigger. Rose tries to focus on the flash and sees her mother’s absent look. The whiteness begins turning into table, cupboards and pictures of her parent’s kitchen. She feels a nudge at the very back of her mind and turns around desperate to see who cause the flashes. She turns to her mother and sees her telling her something. She doesn’t hear, her body is too alien for her to control it. And she doesn’t really care. It’s just that tickling in her mind that makes her try to speak. She feels the warm glass in her hand. The sensation is dull. She swallows the liquid running down her throat.
The second sound she hears after that truck horn is a low harsh voice coming from her mouth. She doesn’t remember her own voice but it definitely isn’t one. She doesn’t care but the tickling is getting stronger. She sees the worried look on her mother’s face and understands that she’s lost it in the end. It’s can’t be long till she follows her family. Jackie takes the glass off her hand, which drops loosely down. Her gaze follows the hand as it hits her surprisingly big belly and a bright red flash shines in her mind just before everything turns to dark again.