Could Be You - Chapter 15/16

Apr 17, 2014 12:35

Title: Could Be You
Chapter: Fifteen
Previous Chapters Here
Rating: NC-17
Summary: You know you wanna dance. Spike knew it, the fans knew it, and this time, Buffy knew it, too.  Begins in the alley scene outside the Bronze during Fool for Love and moves swiftly off-canon.
Notes: I've left this story quasi-abandoned for so very long, but!  It's ( Read more... )

fan fiction, buffy, spike, buffy the vampire slayer, spike/buffy, spuffy, fic: could be you

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Comments 5

xtanitx April 18 2014, 01:43:52 UTC
Oh. OH.

"'Never much cared for should,” Spike said, with a small huff of amusement. “Should is completely overrated.'"

So there's Spike in a nutshell. ♥

This is just wonderful. I dearly love stories that tweak canon just enough to let us see a sort of multi-verse version of Spike and Buffy and how truly excellent they can be together. And how freaking hot the sex is, because PLEASE. Those two. Pass the ice packs and fans!(Basically what I'm saying here is that while I love seeing these two connect on an emotional level to the point I get teary-eyed, I'm very much looking forward to the sexy-times epilogue.)


abelina April 18 2014, 02:37:44 UTC
And that is why I couldn't just leave it here! Seriously though, thank you. I'm more than a little thrilled that you did a re-read in anticipation of this and I hope it didn't disappoint too badly. Sexy-times conclusion tomorrow night.


abelina April 19 2014, 04:46:53 UTC
Pssst... this is your smut warning. It's up. Heheh, yeah it is.


debbartram April 19 2014, 04:20:10 UTC
Oh yay! I have soooo missed this story and it's just like coming home! Thank you thank you thank you!

And it was totally worth waiting for! :)


abelina April 19 2014, 04:46:17 UTC
It's such a relief to finally get here. Seriously, it had been so long I was afraid I would never finish but I'm so glad I did. Don't miss the next and actual chapter -- I think I was uploading it just as you reviewed this one.

Thank you!


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