Could Be You ~ Chapter 11

Nov 09, 2010 20:29

Everywhere he went, he could smell it.  Old-no, ancient-and foreign, like something long forgotten that crawled out of an Egyptian tomb, or so out of this world that it rode down from the sky on a meteor.  It sent a shiver down his spine just thinking about it, because anything he didn’t know that smelled like that could very well mean big trouble. ( Read more... )

fan fiction, buffy, spike, buffy the vampire slayer, spike/buffy, spuffy, fic: could be you

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Comments 12

kaitlyn_lehman November 10 2010, 11:22:49 UTC
Poor Spike. He always gets shafted D: I thought I was hallucinating when I saw this though and then when I realized that it was real I almost fell off my bed bed. Congrats on making my roommate think I've gone insane! I really liked this chapter though. I like the bond that they're developing and if your Buffy has any common sense at all she'll throw Riley out on his ass.

And my userpic is relevant to this chapter.


abelina November 12 2010, 22:21:10 UTC
You fell off the bed because of the update itself, or because of what happened in it? LOL, either way, that makes me smile, lady! I'm glad you liked it, even if things didn't go exactly how us Spuffy lovers would want them to go!

if your Buffy has any common sense at all she'll throw Riley out on his ass. <-- stay tuned, my friend. Stay tuned.

And yes, that is a fantastically appropriate icon!


slaymesoftly November 10 2010, 12:58:21 UTC
Oh, way to bring the angst! Poor Spike. So very likely and real. *stabs Riley* and *smacks Buffy*


abelina November 12 2010, 22:22:54 UTC
Things couldn't be blood and peaches forever, could they? Thanks for offering to smack some sense into Buffy, but I have a feeling she won't need the reminder, and thanks for reading!


timeofchange November 10 2010, 13:33:39 UTC
Aiee! Poor Spike. Poor Buffy. What a mess.


abelina November 12 2010, 22:24:22 UTC
Thank you for saying "poor Buffy". Not so much here, but on archive sites I'm getting a lot of Buffy hate after this chapter, so I appreciate you pointing out that she's not the bad guy here. Thanks for reading!


sarian71 November 10 2010, 16:57:34 UTC
*sigh* It was going so well... They were making so much progress. They were wonderfully comfortable together. Even Dawn knew about them! And then Riley has to walk in and ruin everything. Grrr...

Hopefully this turns out to be a very, very temporary setback! :)


abelina November 12 2010, 22:26:12 UTC
My nursing instructors were fond of the phrase, "Trust the process." Everything has a purpose -- Spike and Buffy's progress as well as Riley's sudden entrance into the story.

Thank you for reading!


donnamour1969 November 11 2010, 02:46:01 UTC
I really enjoyed this chapter. I admire the dialogue--both the inner and spoken. You've got these characters down pat. Was sorry to see how the chapter ended, however. Just when Spike was making some headway. Please give Buffy a backbone. She sure didn't have one where Spike was concerned in the show. Well done--home you don't make us wait too long for the next chapter!


abelina November 12 2010, 22:31:20 UTC
I appreciate the feedback -- I do like knowing that I'm being true to the characters. Remember, though, that Season 5 Buffy is not Season 6 Buffy.

Season 6 Buffy had a whole host of problems and was in such a dark place she was in a lot of ways a different person entirely. She's the one "without a backbone".

Season 5 Buffy hasn't been wrenched out of heaven against her will, and deserves a little more credit.

Thanks for reading!


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