Challenge 06: Letter F

May 02, 2009 22:41

This challenge is dedicated letter F and animals.
You should create icons using images of animals starting with F.
For example: Frog, Falcon, Fly, Fox, Foal, Fish, etc. Please, give the name of the animal in your icon post.

!you may submit up to three (3) icons
!icons must meet the LJ requirements (100x100, 40kb or less, gif, jpg, png)
!icons must be newly made for the challenge
!all effects are allowed except animation
!please, submit your icons in img src and url form
!please submit your entries in a separate post, adding a tag with your username
!DEADLINE: May, 08, midnight GMT.

If you have questions, feel free to ask! And good luck! :)

!1, letter: f, challenge_06, category: animals

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