I've been browsing a couple of journals and f-lists and I've noticed quite a proliferation of femslash posts. Apparently Saturday was International Day of Femslash and I missed it. I'm not really a slasher but I have been known to enjoy the occasional femslash offering. So in albeit late honor of the event, here are a few of the femslash fan
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Comments 2
Me, too, and I've been at it longer than you! ;-) But it isn't my personal genre -- I'm all about the gen -- and it's not canonically smooth to pair up FK's major female characters (Natalie, Janette, Cohen, Tracy), in my opinion. It takes a lot of work to muster a canonically convincing scenario in that area, as I read FK, and not many writers devote the time and thought to it, as far as I've seen. The minor and guest characters would be more amenable to such constructions with the major characters, I think, than them with each other.
Now, these are not recommendations, just a list of FK f/f stories I've read that I recall off the top of my head -- besides Havoc's piece, which you cite above -- but from over a decade ago:
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