[Complete] Shattered Hearts- Chapter 13

Jul 14, 2009 08:34

I decided to post up two chapters, they're both short chapters. Enjoy a double release of Shattered Hearts!
Chapter 13

"Masaki! Sho-kun!" Emi shouted as she saw Sho and Aiba walking into her room. "You look different Sho-kun. Did you lose weight?" Sho shook his head and pulled out the stool, then sat down beside Emi's bed. "I'm too busy to go work out. I just finished filming a movie. I guess, I did work out..." Emi giggled and quickly turned her face to Aiba. "Masaki, when I get out. Do you want to go out for lunch?" Emi smiled and Aiba was shocked. He took his eyes off of Emi and looked at Sho. He noticed that Sho was staring at Emi.

"Emi-chan, let's concentrate on the present right now. Me and Sho-kun are worried about your health. Please have some rest." Emi pouted and then suddenly she yawned. Emi laid down and closed her eyes. Aiba slowly got up and left Sho and Emi alone. Sho slowly grabbed Emi's hand and held it to his cheek. "I missed you so much. Please remember our memories." Sho muttered. Sho blinked his eyes and started to fall asleep. He yawned and laid his head on Emi's bed.


3 years ago..

"Sho! Sho! Look! Look!" Emi shouted and pointed to the little fishes that were swimming in the lake. Emi and Sho decided to spend a few days in Okinawa. "Emi, I'm going to catch one for you." Emi bursted out into laughter and said. "Sho, your athletic skills are below average. You are Mr. Perfect to everything except for your physical abilities." Sho smiled and said. "I'll prove to you that I can catch a fish. Let's make a bet. If I catch a fish then we're going to get married. If I lose then I'll..." Emi interrupted him. "You'll have to drink a juice that I will make." Emi smirked and Sho sighed. "Fine. Okay, let's start fishing!" Emi clapped her hands and sat on the sand, while Sho was trying hard to catch a fish.

After a few hours later, the sun was about to set. "Yatta! I got one!" Emi looked at Sho and noticed that he caught a fish. Meanwhile, the beautiful sunset was shining on Sho. Emi nodded and smiled. "I lost.." Sho laughed and Emi started to get cold. "Ne, Sho. Let's go back to the hotel. You can let the poor fish go." Sho looked at the fish and slowly placed the fish under the water, then the fish swam away.

Emi and Sho walked to the hotel and noticed the time. "Wow, it's pretty late. Are you hungry?" Sho asked Emi. She nodded and Sho dragged her to a fancy restaurant near the hotel. They ordered their meals and Emi started the conversation. "Ne, Sho. That bet we made earlier... Were you serious?" Sho smiled and leaned in closer to Emi. "Maybe.." Sho crossed his arms and he was starting to be a difficult child, who doesn't want to eat his vegetables. "Sho, I'm being serious here. This will decide my future and yours too." Sho grinned and took out something from his pocket. A small box.

Emi gasped and stared into Sho's eyes. Sho opened the box and Emi could see a small diamond ring. He took the ring out and grabbed Emi's left hand. Then he said. "Will you marry me?" Emi was so speechless, that she nodded her head for her answer. Slowly, Sho put the ring on her finger and Emi was ecstatic to tell everyone about the news.

fanfic, genre: tragedy, p: aiba masaki/oc/sakurai sho, rating: pg-13, genre: romance, group: arashi, arashi: sakurai sho, arashi: aiba masaki

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