[Complete] Shattered Hearts- Chapter 5

Jun 14, 2009 19:09

AH! I have exams this week so I'll try to make some time to put the next chapter up! I hope I'll do good on my exams and enjoy Chapter 5!!

Chapter 5

"Mou! I can't find a job!!" Emi was on the floor with tons of job employment books spread out on the coffee table. Emi crossed out many job employment places because they had rejected an interview with her. She became frustrated and tired so she decided to call Aiba. "Masaki! You better pick up the phone!" Emi said as the phone was ringing.

"Is that you Emi-chan?" Aiba picked up the phone. "Masaki! Are you free today?" Emi shouted in an angry tone. "Emi-chan, calm down. Chill out for a second. You're always like this when you're angry or upset." Emi crossed her arms and said. "I can't find a single job! I'm 26 years old and unemployed. This sucks.." Emi sighed and got up to sit on her sofa. "Well, try harder Emi-chan. I bet you, there is a place in dying need of your help." Emi laughed quietly and said. "I hope so... Getting a job is so hard these days. At least for you, you got your job when you were in elementary school."

After Emi was talking about Aiba's job, Aiba had a brilliant idea. "Emi-chan, I want you to meet someone. How about I pick you tomorrow at 2." Emi shook her head and asked. "Tomorrow? Why?" Aiba giggled and then said. "Bye-bye!" Aiba hung up the phone, leaving Emi confused and in a daze.



Emi woke up and heard her doorbell going off and lots of knocking coming from her front door. Emi screamed and got up to answer the door.

“What is it!” Emi shouted and notice that it was her friend at the door. “Masaki!! Why are you here so early?” Aiba smiled and put his hand on his head. “Ah, I forgot you’re not a morning person..” Emi showed a fake smile and then muttered. “Baka.”

She let Aiba in and she made coffee for the both of them. While Emi was in the kitchen, Aiba grabbed the television remote and turned it on. The entertainment news was on and a picture was shown.

Yesterday, it was announced that Arashi will be feature in a movie. All 5 idols, will play characters different from themselves. The story of the movie based from the late Mizushima Ken, Arashi will portray characters that try to maintain their friendship. Details will be announce later tonight.

Emi turned to see the news. She gasped as Aiba nodded his head. “Honto? That’s great!” Emi shouted and came to give Aiba a high five. Emi rushed back to the kitchen to get the coffee and gave it to Aiba. She sat beside him and then she asked. “What is the movie about?” Emi smiled as she sipped some of her coffee.

Aiba smiled back and said. “I don’t know...” Emi stared at him, making a few blinks before she realized that he was serious. Emi placed her coffee on the coffee table and laughed. She wiped some tears from her eyes and then she asked. “Why did you come so early? You said you will come at 2...” Aiba scratched his head and then he looked straight into Emi’s eyes.

“I got a job for you...” Emi smiled and hugged Aiba. Aiba blushed and didn’t know if he should hug her back or not. Before he made up his mind, Emi was already sitting back and they were not embracing each other. “When do I start? How much does it pay? Where do I work?” Emi asked these question and Aiba started to get stressed out. “Well, we better leave soon. I have to introduce you to someone first.” Emi nodded and went into her bedroom to change.

While Emi was in her room changing, Aiba glanced at the television. He drank more of his coffee and he smirked. Either the coffee was good or Aiba Masaki had a plan up his sleeves.

fanfic, genre: tragedy, p: aiba masaki/oc/sakurai sho, rating: pg-13, genre: romance, group: arashi, arashi: sakurai sho, arashi: aiba masaki

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