[Amelia is scowling. This is not an unusual occurrence]
So, let me get this straight. Those of you here who have powers, people just let you…wander around with ordinary citizens? And live with them? You’re not-
[Whatever she was about to say is lost as the phone clatters from suddenly numb hands. There’s a pause, footsteps, and then the distant
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[He is so very, very unamused by this. And yes, a little annoyed, because even here, in this new strange place, they can't get away from it. Only this time it's targeted at everyone with powers, not just one group.]
I would think of a better way to word your questions, otherwise you'll have a lot more annoyed people on your hands than you already do. Why shouldn't we be allowed to do a simple thing like live where we want, walk amongst people we want?
[But he pauses.]
I can't say I know how to interpret dreams of visions, but I can take a guess and say that what you saw can't be good.
Well maybe I would have been able to explain a little further if I hadn't been punched in the face with a freaking vision right in the middle of what I wanted to ask! You're all acting like I've suggested we go on a murder spree or something! [The upset is starting to outweigh the annoyed now, and she crosses her arms over her chest, looking away from the camera] I've never seen anything like this before. And no one seems to care - no one's worried about the civilians. I just wanted to know what was going on.
Congratulations! Is your power stating the obvious, by any chance?
First of all, we're all civilians here. Everyone. Secondly, you have to understand, that most people who replied to you, they, along with myself, come from a world where people with super powers, mostly what are called mutants, are hated for being different. A lot of people do want to go on a murder spree and get rid of us.
No, my power is a little more fun than that.
Maybe the word means something different to you. For me, a civilian is someone without powers. I'm not a civilian, and I would never want to be. And I don't have to understand anything. Was I miraculously mean to know that? [She frowns, taking in what it is that he's saying] But...why? Supers are useful. We can do things that civ - that ordinary people can't, sure, but there are more cases where that's helpful. That's like saying 'oh I hate electricity, I'm going to make sure that no one ever uses it instead of finding ways to make it safer for everyone'.
[She eyes him] What is it?
[He shakes his head and sighs.]
Mutants, Homo sapiens superior. Gentically unclean in the eyes of most of the world and some are more extreme than others. A lot of people with powers are fine in the eyes of the public, it's mutants that aren't.
I can get from A to B quickly.
[ooc: Sorry if this is sounding bad, I've got distractions lol.]
[She's quiet for a moment] Your civilians sound like idiots. Which - probably doesn't help, I know. I'm sorry, that that's the sort of world you have to live in. It's not fair - it's wrong.
So, teleportation? Or superspeed?
[No, it's wonderful ♥]
Teleportation. Sorry I can't be any help in clearing up what your vision might have been.
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