[Turning the cellphone on by random button pressing, Denmark now speaks into it, not really taking into consideration how loud his volume is actually getting. Screw that!]
Oi! Nor! Swed! You two gotta be 'round here somewhere, right?
[...Or how 'bout anyone else fer that matter? I'm a gonna wait 'til ya come fer me so I can- no wait forget
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Comments 110
Looking around, she swears she might see a familiar face which is rather haunting given she has no idea who anyone is or WHERE anyone is in this city.]
He stomps over, waving a hand around]
I knew there was 'nother one around! Hey Hungary!
Oh God, a familiar face. She's so happy she could almost burst in to tears so quickly she runs to him and practically tackle-hugs herself around his neck.] Denmark!
I thou-thought I'd never see anyone again!
Why'd ya think that?
[Besides the fact that there in a completely different world...]
He wouldn't say he's almost relieved to hear a familiar voice, even if it were true.]
There's no one around, rukker. [His tone is matter-of-fact, though mildly irritated.] Have y'looked outside?
It's empty.
Course there is, tallkin' to you aren't I? [He doesn't seem to pick up on Netherland's tone of voice] Besides! There were other people in the morgue.
None of the people here are from here. 'Least not that I've seen. There's hardly anyone as it is.
Oh right that. I was just wonderin' where all the natives went, or if there were even any here before.
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