
Nov 27, 2011 17:06

[When Malik flicks the feed on he looks annoyed.] When we finally get used to one piece of... "technology," they simply take it away and give us another. Bah-

I believe it would be safe to assume this is not Coruscant, not from the way those on this network are reacting.

Altair, Catty, Tazim- are you there? [He doubts Catty is but he still wants ( Read more... )

persona: souji seta, mass effect: ashley williams, assassin's creed: malik a-sayf, assassin's creed: altaïr ibn-la'ahad

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video. need_a_hand November 28 2011, 02:16:43 UTC
[He sighs] No, a 'trick' would be an understatement. As would hobby, even if someone seems to enjoy dragging the unaware across realities. I am tired of waking in strange places with no explanation on the whim of some sorcerer.


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need_a_hand November 28 2011, 02:32:41 UTC
Yes, first in 'space' due to Revan's sorcery. [He sounds majorly skeptical about saying 'space.' Crusade era men do not do well with space travel and Star Wars.] And now here. I suppose then you have not woken in such a strange way before?


OH HAI Altaïr's not!husband! kickedhisface November 28 2011, 02:10:42 UTC
[Maria gives a long, careful look at the man.]

You know Altaïr?

[AKA where is the idiot and for how long can she hit him?]


HI Altaïr's bamf!wife 8D need_a_hand November 28 2011, 02:14:48 UTC
[There should be a line forming for the hitting :| Malik gives her a long, careful look back, trying to recognize her and failing to. ]

Yes, for longer than I would enjoy admitting. Who are you? [/blunt suspicion]


This is the start of the best friendship ever. One based on Altaïr's torture ^_^ kickedhisface November 28 2011, 02:24:35 UTC
[There should be indeed. And Maria demands to be the first one after Malik in that line.

The man's comment makes her smirk lightly: they do know the same man then. Only Maria isn't sure which one has followed her to this world from the Underworld. If any did.]

Any that knows him have known him for longer than they would enjoy it for.

[She pauses, trying as well to remember if she's seen the man before, but other than the same accent and skin color than Altaïr, she's drawing a blank as well.]

My name is Maria Thorpe. Might I ask for yours in exchange?


is there really any bond stronger than wanting to make Altair miserable? I think not B) need_a_hand November 28 2011, 02:30:49 UTC
[Malik's a gentleman, Maria can totally have first hit. Standing back and laughing is just as rewarding B)

His lips quirk slightly at that- well, she certainly seemed to know Altair, he'd give her that. His suspicion lessens some, even if it is obviously still there. Maria Thorpe? He couldn't recall any by that name.]

Malik A-Sayf. [He nods in greeting] Perhaps if the circumstances were not so frustrating I would say well met. How do you know Altair?


hatespolitics November 28 2011, 05:20:20 UTC
[She's pinged by the word 'Coruscant.'

She calls back this person immediately, though she herself is having a bit of trouble with this ancient style technology :|] Malik? Is that you?


need_a_hand November 28 2011, 05:29:24 UTC
[Oh thank god, spacebro 8( Malik looks slightly relieved, which means he is pretty damn glad to see her]

Ashley, I see you've been dragged into this nonsense as well. Are you well?


hatespolitics November 28 2011, 05:49:33 UTC
[Ashley is grinning. She has no trouble showing emotions, when it's appropriate.] Hey you. I'm fine-- besides waking up in a body bag; that was fun. [And yay he recognizes her!] So tell me something, and this is very, very important: does Blue Ale exist?


need_a_hand November 30 2011, 04:08:48 UTC
[He snorts at that- of course blue ale would be the code word. He can't help his lips quirking slightly, Ashley was clever and he appreciated it.] Yes, though I am not certain I wish to know why so many seem to imbibe in it. As real as darkspawn and wookies.


isanovice November 29 2011, 09:57:23 UTC

[ He seems... Mildly surprised that the other would be asking for him. But then again, given the situation Altaïr wanted nothing more than a familiar face, as well.

But the names that were not his own... he did not recognize them. Not a single one. He had thought perhaps this had something to do with Hades and Hecate; the Underworld- but none of the names were familiar to that place. ]

Where are you. [ There were dozens of other questions buzzing through Altaïr's mind, but most important was to find the other. To speak with him, face to face and not over these new devices that had more buttons than Altaïr had ever seen and irritated him endlessly. And here he'd just been beginning to master his tablet, too. ]


need_a_hand November 30 2011, 04:06:37 UTC
There you are- I half expected to find you in yet another fool mess. [He's crabby but there's a lack of bite to his tone that Altair might recognize, and a very distinct lack of hatred.

I am still near the entrance to where we all awoke- if you awoke there as well. The morgue, as they say. Where are you? Can you find your way back? [It's a little strange to so openly consider Altair a partner and brother to depend on again, but he finds it is easier than he thought. He is just glad Altair was here as well.]


video --> action; isanovice December 1 2011, 22:37:13 UTC
I would call this a mess, though it is one not of my doing. [ He frowns. ]

I will come to you.

[ And he would stop and grab some clothing for the other on his way- nothing special. A pair of black sweat pants with 'ABAX' across the rear and a black sweater (the warmest thing Altaïr had found to wear so far) proclaiming 'I ♥ ABAX' in pink font. Altaïr's own outfit wasn't much better. His was white, but still with hideous pink letters ( ... )


action; need_a_hand December 2 2011, 23:59:23 UTC
[Malik was in front of the hospital, as he said. He managed to find a scalpel on his quick sweep of the area and kept it, not a proper weapon by any means but light enough to throw and sharp enough to do damage if the need be. So far nothing seemed hostile, but something about this place made his hair stand on end. It wasn't like Coruscant, so alive even in it's corruption.

This place seemed more like a corpse, not quite alive but not quite ready to give into death.

When Malik caught sight of Altair something in his shoulders relaxed a touch and he stepped forward, brow raised.]

What is that ridiculous print? [He had to ask, it was strange to see on Altair. He rolls his eyes before sighing.] It is good to see you, brother, it seems we are in yet another mess. Have you seen Catty at all?


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