dream rant and utaban

Mar 22, 2007 20:59

I had the weirdest dream last night/this morning. Well, prolly not the weirdest since I have pretty weird dreams..but still. It was about Tegoshi. He looked exactly like he did when he performed 'Sunadokei' last year on MS. I forgot where this took place, but there were a lot of people watching something. Probably a orchestra or band concert  in a ( Read more... )

animations, news, discovery

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Comments 23

ginzarhapsody March 23 2007, 04:37:09 UTC
Just a note, but he actually wasn't picking up his wallet, but picking up the mic pack that fell out. In the following shot when he's holding hands with Koyama, you can see him struggling to pin his microphone piece back into place. :)


aayachi March 23 2007, 04:38:34 UTC
hahah really?

it just looked alike a wallet to me

oh well? i guess? xD

thanks for pointing it out though ^_^


nitrosss March 23 2007, 04:37:54 UTC
I noticed the handholding! I must have rewatched that part a million times. XD

I didn't know it was his wallet that he dropped, though. XD I thought it was that... microphone... thing-box whatever. Never mind. xD There's a part where Yamapi's putting something in his pocket too. Did he drop his wallet too? >83 !!


xs0xelectrikkx March 23 2007, 04:39:42 UTC

ok i don't even know why i'm flailing about it right now because i haven't even watched half of it yet XD STUPID HOMEWORK D:<

...so i will come back later to flail about it lmfao.


misoyo March 23 2007, 04:50:32 UTC
LOL@the last gif ^___^ yeah I think it was their microphone. the other guy's mic pack also fell out of their pocket too =X


fishings March 23 2007, 04:58:29 UTC
I haven't watched it yet.. but it looks hella funny! why are some of them clutching their buns??!! 8D


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fishings March 23 2007, 07:49:19 UTC
ahah I've got the files but no hjsplit now! *is in school* I shall just look forward to seeing it when I get home. doesn't it feel kind of sadistic to want to watch it and laugh? XD


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