Jan 31, 2010 09:17
hi everyone :)
i'm pretty new to the fandom and although i've been making my way through some comms i wanted to ask still if you have fanfic recs? or if a list of recs is available somewhere and whatnot.
etc: other
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Comments 7
I did a kind of rec list here - a good chunk of it is fizzyblogic's, but there's a fair amount that isn't, which is why I'm including it here, because it's stuff that won't be at castratingcows. :D And hi again! It's nice to meet you. *grin*
http://xaritomene.livejournal.com/50082.html and http://xrysomou.livejournal.com/tag/a-ar
If you are indeed looking for slashy fics, then fizzyblogic is pretty muc h the god when it comes to fanfics, he wrote amazing piece, and he's supposed to write a couple few more sometime soon, so that's one safe bet!
Otherwise, a lot of us have tried our hands at fanfics, but since a lot of us are friends, I wouldn't want to pimp something and make you feel like I'm pimping something just because I'm friend with the author! I'll let you try and see what you like... There are a couple of place you can looking, like writtenthings, or rejectedfic, but since it's all about perspective, I would advise you go at it by dipping your toe in it and see whhat you like!
& like everyone said, check fizzyblogic's fics right away, they are the best :)
I see you got your dose of fic recs already. =D
*waves* Hello!
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