Hiya ya'll... It's spring break. Bluzzah. I probably won't sleep tonight. Grandma snores. We're going to Tannyhill trade day tomorrow morning. I think that will be sorta fun... Um yea...
And my new favorite song line is.... "You kiss me like an overdramatic actor." It just sounds sweet.
I'm beginning to have a weird sleeping schedule. I lay in bed for hours at a time just awake because my mind is thinking too fast to let me sleep. Gah. It's killing me.
Kay. So I now sound like crap. I've been talking over screming kids all day and I've now almost completely lost my voice. It's very sad. At least I got to leave school early to come home. I never knew making butter all day would make you so tired.
Well it's National FFA week...So that means I have to wear stupid official dress tomorrow... But the good thing is I won't be at school most of Thursday. Yippeeeee!! I get to go teach little kids how to make butter. Joy. Well that's about it for now. Maybe more later. Who knows?