Okay so I really dropped the ball picture wise this day, I don't know why, maybe because I got to excited for the first official day of Comic-Con that I got caught up or I was just lazy, but I took the least amount of photos on this day.
Here's some lewdness to make up for it.
Our First Panel: Professional Writing
J Micheal Straczynski talking writing.
X-Men Panel
X-Panel Left to Right: Jason Aaron, Daniel Way, Matt Fraction, Craig Kyle, Nick Lowe, Marjorie Liu, and Jim McCann. Absent is Ed Brubaker who was got held up setting up his forthecoming panel.
Again, I should of taken pics of some of the announcements (there weren't many but still) but I completely dropped the ball here.
Sorry no pics from the Fox Panel or the Wolverine trailer, but can I say it was really awesome?
Ed Brubaker Panel
Ed Brubaker wins another award. (What else is new?)
Brubaker taking questions.
Brubaker with Zoe Bell. She will be starring in an online series he's writing this fall for Sony.
Entertainment Weekly's Comic Visionaries panel
Left to Right: Grant Morrison, Gail Simone, Robert Kirkman, Mike Mignola, Matt Fraction, John Cassady, and a hiding behind the podium Jim Lee.
Mondo Marvel Panel
Left to Right: (hidden) C.B. Cebulski, Greg Pak, Matt Fraction (Negro was all over the Con!), Brian Reed, Matt Broome, Kevin Grievoux, ???, Christos Gage, Jason "Soulstriker" Aaron, Ed Brubaker, and Jim McCann
Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion return to the Punisher in December
David Mack on some artwork based off a Philip K. Dick novel I don't remember the title for.
Greg Pak's new Magneto project
Ed Brubaker introduces Lady Bullseye in DAREDEVIL
after the panel we went downtown and got something to eat.
Downtown San DIego The Gas Lamp District
Seriously. Didn't they say all they needed to say after the first one?
Today we go Mexican
To vacations
We then made our way back to the Con just to needlessly waste time trying to squeeze into the already long Punisher War Zone panel that we didn't get into and then made our way home.
Sorry these were a bit lack luster the next set should be more interesting as it's...
Comic-Con 2008 A Pictoral: Day Three- Who Watches the Watchmen, an even fatter dirty talking fatman, and bike anarchy in San Diego!!!
Till next time.