What I Was Doing Today.....

Sep 08, 2014 01:08

....instead of lesson planning.

And why I'm up at 1:02 finishing said lesson planning.

app-created picspam )

ninth doctor, snape, photofunia

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Comments 3

ofenjen September 8 2014, 20:28:56 UTC
Oh my goodness, they are all fantastic, but I LOVE the second one!


aalia7 September 9 2014, 03:37:18 UTC
I actually held back on spamming you guys...I made SO many of these. A parent told me about the app (she sent me a personalised Hogwarts letter that she'd made on it), and I replied how scary it was that everything I used to do as a graphic designer had been replaced by an app!


ofenjen September 9 2014, 13:43:47 UTC
It is pretty scary how many things are like that now. I had someone ask recently how I generate my patterns and they were stunned when I replied that I use my brain for that. They assumed there was an app!


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