Farewell, Faithful Steed.

Jul 29, 2014 20:51

SO BUSY. It's Eid and we are SO BUSY ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

hardhatcat July 31 2014, 01:41:43 UTC
it's been lovely watching all the families get together in the parks here for Eid celebrations.

Oh dear - sorry you will be selling your car. There is nothing exciting with my car, except that my kids boast it's the biggest at kid pick up time ;)


aalia7 July 31 2014, 23:56:21 UTC
It must be nice wintery weather for Eid picnics and such! :)

Hey - nothing wrong with having the biggest car around, especially with your ever-expanding family!

How is everything with Eoin? Have you heard anything further from the speech pathologist or evaluation?


hardhatcat August 1 2014, 02:30:47 UTC
Eoin's speechy report came in and he with need further work with a few of his sounds, but his understanding and comprehension is good, so it shouldn't restrict him starting school early if it comes to that. i was able to get him in to see a speechy though this year (a lot of them have long waiting lists) so we'll follow up with that and the childcare/kindy have some exercises they can work with him in the meantime. He still has to have his OT assessment and may also need a psych report if he goes in for early entry. all for a matter of 5 hours! oh well we'll see how he goes, and even if it comes back that he can't start school next year, then we know what ares to focus on to help him do his best in the meantime


aalia7 August 1 2014, 02:54:53 UTC
Sounds great. It's great to hear how competent and efficient everything sounds over there...in the US, it's kind of hit-and-miss with early childhood interventions/evaluations. Depends largely on the school district and the effort the administrators are willing to put in. It sounds like you know exactly what needs to be done and that you are all in good hands. :)


clumsy_chord July 31 2014, 16:33:48 UTC
I forgot to wish you Happy Eid this year! So, belatedly, Happy Eid!


aalia7 July 31 2014, 23:57:56 UTC
Thank you, my dear! It's been busy but so much fun. :)


ofenjen July 31 2014, 20:39:57 UTC
Ah, poor you, having to let go of your baby, but I do have a smaller engine and fairly spectacular gas mileage.


aalia7 August 1 2014, 00:01:36 UTC
I know, poor me, right?? Looking back at this post, I seem like a whinging brat, complaining about first world problems. I swear I didn't mean it that way, I just needed to document my unhealthy attachment to my vehicle. :)

We're astonished at the difference in gas mileage in the models we're looking at...I feel much better about my carbon footprint now.


woozelmom August 1 2014, 00:32:21 UTC
I know what it is like to be overly attached to a car. In my younger days I was the very proud owner of a Jeep CJ5 Renegade. I LOVED my Jeep. Unfortunately I had to sell it :0( I told my husband if we ever hit the lottery, he has to comb the world and find it, rescue it and restore it back to it's original glory :0)


aalia7 August 1 2014, 02:57:55 UTC
Aw, a CJ5?? That's serious business! I'll bet one day your dear Jeep will be reunited with you! The universe just can't stop love that deep. :)


woozelmom August 1 2014, 12:32:39 UTC
Yes, they had a CJ5 and a CJ7. The 7's were a little bit bigger than the 5's. My Jeep was definitely not a luxury ride. No A/C, a radio that only got one channel and I kept an blanket in the back so I could put it on my lap in the really cold winters (it had a canvas top and not too warm LOL) but I LOVED my Jeep. Crazy I know LOL.


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