
Jun 27, 2012 21:48

Well, that does it.

Remember a week or two back I posted a pic of what the Sam Hill was wrong with my sewing machine? Thank you to ofenjen and jewells68 for your helpful comments; I followed both of your pieces of advice but, sadly, to no avail. My Pfaff 1122 did the exact same thing it did a year ago, but worse. The backstitch gear gave out and the feed dogs will ( Read more... )

snape, sewing machine

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Comments 12

ofenjen June 28 2012, 02:55:11 UTC
Well, boo on you, Pfaff! Your story reminds me very much of the death of my first machine, which I drove right into the ground. I was so sad when it couldn't be repaired and *gasp* had to do without for almost 6 months!

Thank goodness you had a backup and I am so glad to hear that it's free-motioning for you.

I'm off to pimp your Snape group. Just you wait...I have All The Fangirls on my LJ...


aalia7 June 28 2012, 14:04:00 UTC
6 months! Unthinkable! I'm really, really thankful to be lucky enough to have a backup.

Thank you so much for the holla! It's always so nice to see 'pimp' and 'Snape' in the same sentence...


ofenjen June 28 2012, 14:20:39 UTC
I know, right?! I still remember the sigh of relief when I finally had another machine!

It's always so nice to see 'pimp' and 'Snape' in the same sentence...


jewells68 June 28 2012, 12:00:32 UTC
Well, that stinks, but I'm glad you have a back up.

I'm sure, having seen the Snape cosplayers and crafties that I've seen, that your flickr group will be bursting with snapey goodness before long. ;)


aalia7 June 28 2012, 14:06:54 UTC
I'm really fortunate to have a backup, I know how many people long to craft and don't have what they need.

Lots of the pics I invited to the Flickr group were circa 1995, but, you know, I think this little sector of fandom is still going strong. Afterallthistimealways and all that. :)


(The comment has been removed)

aalia7 June 29 2012, 00:12:31 UTC
I'm really thankful to have a backup. I opened it all up today and gave it a thorough cleaning and oiling. (Nice machine, pretty machine, please keep working...) :)


droxy June 29 2012, 01:10:42 UTC


aalia7 June 29 2012, 18:45:48 UTC
One cannot simply have one machine.

Icon <3


droxy June 29 2012, 01:10:02 UTC
Hi new friend.
remind me later to add to your group, because right now I have some personal stuff. So do ping me.

Let me know what's allowed. I dont have muchh on craft, but I sew costumes. =)

You need to friend dixiebell12 and Qui-quae-quod


aalia7 June 29 2012, 14:11:24 UTC
I will remind you later. I hope everything is calming down for you and your DH.

Cosplay is most welcome on the group...I remember when you shared your Snape costume on Yahoo's Madame Malkins group. It's beautiful.

And dixiebell and qui-quae-quod...done and done. :)


mkissa June 29 2012, 17:53:51 UTC
Oh your poor machine! Thank goodness you have another to use... and, YAY SNAPE!


aalia7 June 29 2012, 18:47:09 UTC
I'm so happy to have my backup! And, YAY SNAPE, indeed!


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