Recipe: Moroccan Fire Fish

Feb 20, 2012 21:27

In an effort to compensate for my EPIC FAIL on dozmuffinxc's recipe swap (I omitted a sentence in the recipes I sent out), here is another recipe for your review.

I thought about sending this recipe out since it's an old standby of mine, but it's got a really strong and spicy flavour. Not for the faint of heart, definitely not for everyone, but if you're in ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

clumsy_chord February 21 2012, 04:57:13 UTC
In an effort to compensate for my EPIC FAIL on dozmuffinxc's recipe swap...

On the other hand, at least you've sent yours out! Mine will be en route tomorrow. (I suck.)

This looks really gorgeous, anyway.


aalia7 February 21 2012, 23:30:30 UTC
My copy of yours will be en route tomorrow, too! I need to go to the post office for your envelope, my Canuckistanian friend. (There was a long weekend here that screwed everything up...or is it the leap year?) ;)

This dish really brightens up the plate. It's fun to look at before you dig in!


clumsy_chord February 21 2012, 23:56:07 UTC
Who or what we blame doesn't matter so long as it's apparent that it's nothing really to do with either of us ;D


ofenjen February 21 2012, 17:41:03 UTC
I'm not much of a fish eater, but the spices sound wonderful! Spicy is one of my favorite food categories!


aalia7 February 21 2012, 23:34:35 UTC
Ahhh, spicy! I envy your easy access to all things Tex-Mex. I love spicy, too, no matter what part of the globe! Mister Mooster and I always used to frequent this little Thai restaurant in Boston and had this dish called Pad Gra Pao. The only spice that has ever made me cry and sweat but it. was. so. good. Kept coming back for more!


ofenjen February 22 2012, 01:33:05 UTC
Tex-Mex is in my blood, which is probably not a surprise! Bring on the spicy!

Crying and sweating?? Sound intriguing!


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