So Carl and I recently got Logo. It wasn't available with our dish package until we upgraded to HD, which is odd as Logo isn't an HD station. Whatever, we have it, and we've seen quite a bit of the station since. Several might remember that Carl was ready to drop our dish package altogether just so we could get the station, so it being on with such frequency in my house isn't exactly shocking.
So last night, Mark and I cuddled while watching short films (labeled "Romance"), and
the film "The Back Room" came on. Oh my God. What a great short film. While its premise might be a wee unrealistic, I can certainly attest to being filled with almost a feeling of euphoria when something completely unexpected bonds me to someone else, though I wouldn't say it's "love".
Dan Sturges plays a very hot gent trying to find books on a painting he found in Italy, and the camerawork makes for quite an effect of simultaneous lust and frustration as various shots explore all around his very very hot body. I would certainly love to be the one tackled in the back of a bookstore by this adorable, adorable man. ^_-