let me break the ice

May 21, 2009 04:02

OY. FUCKING. VEY. It finally feels like summer and I goddamn love it. Yeahhh nudity. Yeahhh skin photosynthesizing ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

uomodo May 21 2009, 10:40:40 UTC
cup of squirrel how precioussss


a_xolotl May 22 2009, 15:05:54 UTC
It's Cup of Squirrel®, the ramen for hillbillies! It was the cutest thing in the universe. And the only remotely wily thing it did was make a grunting noise when I took some of the granola away from it, which in itself, was also incredibly cute.


natt00k May 22 2009, 21:17:06 UTC
i love its little grunting noise


yellow_boots May 21 2009, 12:37:47 UTC
great to hear from you! i'm jealous that you saw elton john! and i too am excited for nudity! oh and one more thing, you look so cuuuute! haha :D


a_xolotl May 22 2009, 15:15:01 UTC
Yeah, I wasn't a giant fan of his music beforehand, but damn, that dude can play a piano/sing like crazy.

"I too am excited for nudity!" I hope to see that on a shirt.


yellow_boots May 22 2009, 19:37:11 UTC
we'll make millions with those tee shirts! :P


anonymous June 17 2009, 17:36:52 UTC

pflnshdp cgla anonymous February 7 2011, 00:21:36 UTC
dnwg znhhx [URL=http://www.katesxxx.com]pornstars[/URL] fyrgfv l xh b yux


NATO takes over command of military operations in Libya anonymous April 7 2011, 05:07:49 UTC
[b]NATO is taking over command of military operations in Libya from coalition forces, world media reported Sunday.[/b ( ... )


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