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Comments 1

swirlsofblue December 7 2012, 15:14:13 UTC
I didn't realise the Bonnie thing at all (I was too busy questioning why Caroline was apologising and Elena wasn't). But you're so right, Bonnie has already started using dark magic and has no idea, when she really needs to strike out on her own, hopefully she'll realise and turn around and be a powerful enemy to Shane, and go even more dark side than he intended etc.

•I liked the marketing in this ep becauseGIRL'S NIGHT WAS AWESOME. Until the bathroom scene. Where Caroline was a mouth piece for slut shaming (REMEMBER HER IN SEASON ONE? WHO DIDN'T SHAME WOMEN FOR LIKING SEX. GIVE HER BACK TO ME.) but most importantly, Elena and Caroline and the text forgetting that DAMON ABUSED AND RAPED CAROLINE. AND HOLY FUCK WHY DID YOU REDUCE IT TO JUST CAROLINE SLEEPING WITH HIM. I'm fanwanking Carolin's reaction to the fact she doesn't want to draw attention to the abuse she faced but, man, I hate everything about how she's not allowed to react.THIS. When Elena said that line I was staring at the screen in disbelief, and nowhere was it ( ... )


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