so, I wrote fic...

Dec 10, 2015 14:00

... on the burning question of "What would have happened if Macbeth had access to Vorkosiverse reproductive technology?" As you do. (No, it isn't really a crossover. It may be shamelessly self-inserty.)

Mike Adams, Justina Vorrutyer, and Wyx Hargraves, Authors of Macbeth. Makes use of places and concepts from Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen, ( Read more... )

vorkosigan fic

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Comments 2

phantomcranefly April 18 2016, 06:42:10 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! (Finally got my hands on GJ&RQ a bit ago, hence the late comment.) I squawked out loud at "Macbeth II: Attack of the Clone" and "practicing Betan surgery without a license." :P And I love that last bit with Justina hovering in Charlotte's office.

Which brings me to a kind of weird question- Justina has kind of seized hold of my brain and taken root, and a friend of mine is considering running a tabletop game set in the Vorkosiverse a bit after ACC. Would it be all right with you if I kind of cloned her to use as my character? (Totally understand if that's too awkward, or if not, I could let you know as much or as little as you like of what happens.)


a_t_rain July 30 2017, 04:19:17 UTC
I'm so sorry, I've only just noticed this comment after a year and a quarter -- but yeah, if the question still applies, you're totally welcome!


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