Title: Silver Service
a_silver_storyChapter: 14/?
Genre: AU, Romance, Angsty, fluffy
Rating: NC17 / 18
Pairings: Main Pairing is Jack/Ianto. Also includes Ianto/Martha, Ianto/Tosh friendship, Ten/Tosh, Mickey/Martha (mentioned)
Warnings: M.M, rentboy!Ianto, Alternate Universe
Disclaimer: If I owned anything in this, I'd be a rich rich rich bitch.
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Comments 23
Round Tuit's aside, great chapter. Was seriously worried that Saxon might find Ianto alone - his publicity stunt was bad enough. And Jack dead. Noooo, poor Ianto. Jack should explain things to him to avoid more heartache. (But where's the fun/angst in that!!)
I do think that if Ianto goes through with any plan to manipulate Jack to get rid of his wife, and it backfires, Jack won't be able to trust him... Careful walking there ianto my love!
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