Title: SilverFish
Chapter 08/??
a_silver_storyGenre: Alternate Universe
Rating: NC-17 overall
Warnings: None for this chapter
Summary: Jack and Ianto in prison - with plot, and lots and lots of smut. Sorry, I can't help it.
Disclaimer: If I owned anything in this, I'd be a rich rich rich bitch. However, I am not a rich rich rich bitch so you may all,
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Comments 13
I don't like that Evan has arrived though..and with the reorganization coming... *covers Ianto in bubble wrap*
Eeep! Do not like the reorganization or Evan coming in. :P
Hmmmm... curious about Jack's past and what he kinda did. Sounds pretty bad if it makes Ianto nervous.
YAY for the boys getting sexy-times together. :D
*huggles poor Owen*
This was the perfect cure for the WTFness about TW4 now. You are Teh Awesum! :D
Just brilliant and thoroughly deserved nomination...
Happy Birthday Ianto xxx
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