Drabble - Prowl/Jazz/Newcomer

Oct 28, 2010 22:27

Prowl watched the newest member of the cellblock. The newcomer stared back.

“What is it?” the odd mech asked.

“I am curious,” Prowl replied.


“Why you would let yourself be arrested with the others when you are clearly capable of escaping at any time.”

“Don’t ya think that Ah would escape if Ah could? Ah am still here, aren’t Ah?”

Prowl nodded, “Thus my quandary.”

The mech scowled, “How did ya know Ah could escape?”

“You obviously have training in one of the shadow disciplines,” Prowl nodded.

Prowl got a blank stare.

“It isn’t obvious. Otherwise, Ah’d be cyberslug-tied.”

Master Archive - October 2010 Archive - 100 Drabbles - Prompt Table

verse: bayverse, series: 100 drabble, transformers: prowl, post type: fic, fandom: transformers, transformers: jazz, fic length: drabble

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