Office Hours, Tuesday - All Day (3/10)

Mar 11, 2008 08:22

Glitch was in his office, the door was open, and he wasn't planning at all on singing again.

However, that left him a little bored, so he started to take apart the T.D.E.S.P.H.T.L. so he could put it back together again.

office hours

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Comments 89

flowering_mind March 11 2008, 14:50:59 UTC
Ino wasn't really in the best of moods after yesterday, which had been a fairly bad day all around as she judged these things, but this at least she could do and feel good about.

Because this was a good thing.

She peeked around the door about mid-morningish. "Professor Ambrose? Are you busy at the moment?"


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 15:05:38 UTC
Glitch sat up straight and looked to the door.

Yes, he had been slouching, but one can't as a man of science to conform to strict rules of posture when there was interesting work to be done.

It may have taken him a few moments, afterwards, for his synapses to straighten out and remember her name.

"No," he said smiling. "Hello, Ino. Come in."


flowering_mind March 11 2008, 15:13:16 UTC
Ino didn't mind the pause. She smiled at him and slipped inside. "Hello. How are you?" she asked, and noticing what he was working on, "And what is that?"

Curiosity was something she had a lot of.


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 15:31:18 UTC
"I'm good," he said with another look back down at all the pieces covering his desk.

"And this," Glitch almost sighed it, but was still smiling, "is a T.D.E.S.P.H.T.L. 'Tri-Dimensional Energy Stored Photo Holographic Time Loop,' only in pieces."


bridge_carson March 11 2008, 15:03:14 UTC
Bridge, his updated designs in hand- now that he has hands, again- pokes his head around the doorframe.



a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 15:14:01 UTC
Hunched over again, Glitch simply looked up.


He didn't sit up, though, as if proximity to what he was doing would help him remember where he was at in the process of taking it apart. Then, of course, synapses crack and fire and recognize the head peeking into his office belongs to a student he knows.

"Oh, right," smiling and sitting up now, very professor-like. "Did you bring your design?"


bridge_carson March 11 2008, 15:34:20 UTC
"Yes!" Bridge says cheerfully, stepping inside. "It, I mean, there were some last-minute modifications that were kind of *really* last minute because it's hard to do that when you don't have hands, but they're done. Mostly. I think. Unless I change my mind. Which could happen."


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 15:52:10 UTC
Glitch was grinning now and motioned for him to come in.

"Don't worry about changing your mind. Invention plans are never really final until you build it, and even then you can go back and do a re-design," he said it with the obvious tone of experience with that one.


new_to_liirness March 11 2008, 15:10:40 UTC
He doesn't knock.

Instead, he walks into the room and takes a seat. He opens his notebook and starts to work.

...well, somethings bothering him, it seems, but he's determined to 'work' thorough it.

After a moment's consideration, though, he reaches into his bag, uncovers a bowl, and leaves the cookies out for Professor Ambrose.


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 15:27:23 UTC
The lack of knocking meant Glitch didn't exactly notice Liir enter the office until he sat down.

The following quiet was a bit disconcerting, though the cookies looked a great deal less so. His synapses struggled for a minute over whether or not to ask him what was wrong.

Of course it was something, but, oh Ozma, had he fouled up this father-figure thing already?

"Is everything okay?"

The tone of the question was kept very carefully not too worried, but still very concerned.


new_to_liirness March 11 2008, 15:29:58 UTC
He looked up and while there was something in his features that amounted to frustration, the fatigued look of the last few days was gone.

He paused, though, considering what to say for a moment before the set of his shoulders changed.

"Can I have a hug?" he finally asked.


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 15:43:39 UTC
Well, that certainly wasn't the answer he had been expecting.

"Of course."

Glitch was not about to say 'no, thank you' to that. Synapses were still firing off their cases for worry as he stood up and moved to the other side of the desk, though.


the_merriest March 11 2008, 18:26:51 UTC
Rikku stopped in after her morning Ethics class, a folder under her arm. "Hiya!" she waved.


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 18:33:39 UTC

Glitch smiled and waved her in over the pile of pieces and paper on his desk. Somewhere along the way, he'd decided to go and look at the original design just to note how much he had deviated from it in the process of making it the first time.


the_merriest March 11 2008, 18:39:54 UTC
"Oooooooh." Rikku leaned over, fascinated. "When I take things apart, and put them back together? I always have bits left over. Sometimes I save them up and try to make something new later."


a_no_brainer March 11 2008, 18:52:10 UTC
"Usually, when that happens, it's stuff you didn't need in it to begin with. Well," Glitch considered it, "except for one time, but, that wasn't this so I don't think we've got anything to worry about."


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