
Nov 17, 2008 20:20

It was good while it lasted, the gig working for Harvey, but once it was over, Simon did his best to vanish again.  Sorry, Jack, Jon, or whoever you are.  Sell your own LSD.  Hide your own corpses, if you make any.  Simon has no desire to be caught if, God forbid, Mr. Dent decides to tell people where the bodies went ( Read more... )

onlynothuman, goshdarnniteowl, [open], holyrorschach

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goshdarnniteowl November 18 2008, 15:55:58 UTC
Daniel's leg is healing up, at least. Sure, he can't run, or do anything too strenuous, yet -- it'll be at least a couple more weeks 'til he feels okay with the idea of going back to either of his jobs -- but he can walk well enough to get around town, to get to the little junk stores and military surplus places that he gets most of Nite Owl and Rorschach's supplies from.

It's on the way back to his car from one of these, scarf tight around his face and heavy canvas bag rattling with bits of sharp, cold metal, that he passes by that street corner.

He knows that voice, that pale, big-eyed face. And he almost freezes in the middle of the street, staring -- only barely turns it into a pretense of checking his bag. What do I do? What would Rorschach... he'd run after him and probably get stabbed again. Jeez, look at him, out here in just that coat, he must be freezing. No wonder he was... God, what'll he do for a place to stay if someone else offers? He's just a kid. Even he doesn't deserve...He takes a deep breath, and ( ... )


goshdarnniteowl November 20 2008, 01:47:23 UTC
He might have been expecting that, at Arkham, or out on the streets. Might have.

But as Nite Owl he'd have his costume, and his tools, and he'd have Rorschach. But in Arkham he'd have files, and he'd have needles, and he'd have assistance at the press of a button. In here he doesn't have any of that, and it's just him and this little maniac, and his soft, warm throat, and his scream as he flails and tries to pull him away.


holyrorschach November 20 2008, 02:27:01 UTC
Walter is used to coming into the apartment to relative quiet. Usually there is the sound of typing, or of Daniel in his workshop. Sometimes there are the sounds and smells of cooking. Walter comes in at all hours. It all depends on how long he dedicates to exploring and to patrols. Depends on if he's avoiding awkward time spent in the apartment he shares with his friend.

This evening, when he comes in, it's earlier than usual. The scream that greets him, however, says it isn't early enough. He runs towards the sound of Daniel's distress. For a short man, he crosses the distance with surprising quickness. He drops everything along the way and, the trained competitive boxer, swings a hard left for Simon's kidney while reaching to get the other arm around the kid's neck.


onlynothuman November 20 2008, 02:30:00 UTC
Simon releases Daniel's neck with a hoarse shout at the blow, jerking back, right into Walter. Two is too many, two in the fight is two too many and he swings his can at anything he can reach now, dropping his weight and trying to get clear of them both.


goshdarnniteowl November 20 2008, 02:50:36 UTC
Daniel clutches at his neck, fingers slippery and red. Fighting back more noise, the panic that would come with it, as he tries to grab some item of Simon's clothing with his free (non-dominant) hand.

"He's a biter!"

Mind you, Walter may have been able to figure that out on his own.


holyrorschach November 20 2008, 03:05:30 UTC
The solid hit of Walter's fist should be enough to leave blood in Simon's urine if it landed the way he intended. His grabbing hand on the boy's throat works to center his grip on Simon's wind-pipe and carotid artery. A little squeeze there and he can knock the boy out. He has to dodge that can and the threat of Simon's teeth, however, and the little cannibal slips free.

It's obvious he bites. If Daniel weren't talking and trying to help, however, Walter would be worried. With full knowledge that his friend is safe, Walter grabs for Simon's shirt with both hands, looking to throw the young man to the floor.


onlynothuman November 20 2008, 03:14:58 UTC
When Simon has time, he will regret taking the kidney hit. Right now, though, he is only trying to escape. He's already bent low when they both catch his shirt, and, off-balance, he's going down, just managing to catch himself before his chin hits the linoleum.


goshdarnniteowl November 20 2008, 03:19:37 UTC
Daniel assumes that's it. It's not an unfair assumption. So he lets go, reaching up to grab the counter, or just the towel hanging off the side of it. Get up, staunch the bleeding. "Ow -- Christ..."


holyrorschach November 20 2008, 20:35:59 UTC
It's bad enough that Walter and Daniel were both injured chasing this scum. Bad enough that the little monster got away. It's bad enough that the monster was allowed to go on peddling poison and lurking in the darkness. Now, though, Simon has violated their home. He's come into Daniel's home and harmed him. Walter will make him pay.

As soon as the boy hits the ground, Walter is on top of him. He wraps his fingers tightly in the hair on the back of Simon's head and slams the boy's face into the linoleum floor. Walter growls, low and hateful as he lifts Simon up to bash him again.
"Filthy scum!"


onlynothuman November 21 2008, 03:34:36 UTC
His shout of rage cuts off with the crunch of his nose, but he's already twisting, fighting in growing desperation. He's fighting for his life, here; whether Walter intends to kill him on Daniel's floor or hand him over to the authorities doesn't matter. The result's the same. Reaching back to grab Walter's wrist, he bucks violently, trying to throw him off his back.


goshdarnniteowl November 21 2008, 03:55:31 UTC
Daniel clutches the reddening towel to his neck as he watches them beath each other to bits on his kitchen floor. "Walter!"

Goddamn, names, he shouldn't have -- but he had to get his attention, right? "Ease up! Don't kill him, for chrissakes! Subdue and restrain!"


holyrorschach November 21 2008, 04:13:21 UTC
Walter growls in response to the feral teen under him. He tries to bash Simon's skull again even as he works to justify his actions to his partner.

"Attacked you. Could have killed. Deserves no better!"

If he'd been a minute later. If he'd stayed out and away from Daniel again tonight, to avoid his own shame and sickness under the guise of helping this city. Walter can't believe he let this monster come that close to killing his friend. Surely a little beating into unconsciousness is justified here? The look on his face when he momentarily turns towards Daniel to avoid Simon's struggling says Walter isn't much further from animal rage than the boy he's fighting.


onlynothuman November 21 2008, 04:24:53 UTC
Simon snarls, the sound truly animal, blood streaming from his nose. If he can't throw the redhead off, can he kick him? Reach anyth- a chair! Simon jerks the chair-leg, trying to topple the furniture on his attacker.


goshdarnniteowl November 21 2008, 04:43:06 UTC
"You do!" And so does he, he wants to say, but this isn't the time for that. Maybe when he isn't bleeding.

He was already moving to try and separate them, or at least keep Walter from killing someone on his kitchen floor,, when the chair goes tumbling. It's enough to stall him a precious few seconds, between him and them.


holyrorschach November 21 2008, 04:57:54 UTC
He's only vaguely aware of Daniel even speaking over the ringing in his own ears. Walter can hear the rush of his own pulse pounding against his ear drums. His face is hot and he wonders if he's crying. He very much doubts it, but it used to happen when he'd get in fights like this at school.

Suddenly, he's struck with the chair. He'd been expecting the kicks and flailing that bruise his legs and sides, but not a blow to the head. For a moment, at least, it loosens his grip and he slips a little to one side.


onlynothuman November 21 2008, 05:11:36 UTC
Simon seizes the chance to fight his way out from under him, scrambling under the table, trying to claim a moment to let his head clear. It takes him way too long to find the door, disoriented, but once he has a bead on it, he's heading that way. This is too dangerous. Bad idea. Time to get out.


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