All Hallows' Eve: Grand Opening at Caritas. Let's have ourselves a Masquerade Ball

Nov 02, 2008 15:44

This is it. This is the night where all the hard work, the months of long nights and days of making everything click together with contractors and material and paperwork.

Tonight, Caritas opens its doors to the outside world. Humble by outward appearances, the building is a plain, good, old-fashioned structure that could be any other were it not ( Read more... )

myownluck, call_me_chase, thimblerig, i_own_this, lastchancetorun, 10over6, icd10f60pt7, honkytonktunes

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Comments 70

myownluck November 3 2008, 03:24:01 UTC
Then Harvey's lucky that he's not in Arkham anymore, isn't he? He dresses as nicely as he's able for this occasion, sporting the suit he's managed to pick up in the past week, and a black shirt and tie to match it, and --

-- and no makeup, or even a mask. Just his face, clean scar and muscle and bone. The best Halloween costume a guy could ask for.

There are looks of horror, of course, on the street, stares of confusion and not-quite-recognition, but just as many of the people he passes are just impressed, stunned at the artistry of his makeup. He smiles when one approaches him and asks how he did it, and tell him that it's a trade secret.

When they get to the club, as he waits to have his coat taken, he looks to Judah. "Nice so far."


lastchancetorun November 3 2008, 03:31:40 UTC
Is Judah wearing his a costume? No. Did he throw back on the ridiculous EMT jacket? Oh yes. Oh, Judah. What's wrong with you?

Oh. Right.

Everyone is probably just lucky that he settled for a blue shirt and slacks instead of a t-shirt that says something like "Re-Elect Harvey Dent" or "Rainbows are for loving"...right?

Judah nods. "Nicer than most, yes." He agrees!


honkytonktunes November 3 2008, 19:56:52 UTC
It might be noted, once and for all, that Lorne loves snazzy outfits. Moreover, he knows not to outdo his clients if he wants to be a good host, and here we have the crux of the matter.

Out of the two gents here, he doesn't at all have to try to be plain by comparison with one of them. The other one, though he's a gorgeous guy... Yeah. Not too inventive.

Lorne would have preferred the rainbow tee.

Just the same, the boys get an amiable, subtly excited grin as he walks om over to meet and greet them. "Gentlemen! Where have you been all my Halloweens Past? Honestly, look at you. Marvelous. My name is Lorne, and I'll be your host this evening. Anything you need," he gestures for one of his darling employees to get to it.

"Just ask, and I'll see what I can do. Welcome to Caritas!"


myownluck November 4 2008, 01:28:41 UTC
Harvey smiles -- no, he grins. (That is some amazing makeup, isn't it?) "Somewhere a lot less interesting." He offers his hand. "This is a beautiful place you have here."

Introduction? What introduction?


call_me_chase November 3 2008, 19:08:48 UTC
Chase heard of the club opening from some of the officers and detectives in the GCPD and decided to go even if she didn't know anyone. Even though costumes really weren't her thing, she did manage to find a red vintage dress in one of the shops downtown. So, trying to ignore a wave of apprehension about the unknown, Chase walked through the doors.


honkytonktunes November 3 2008, 20:27:26 UTC
Oh, dear. Oh, dear, oh lawd, oh golly Miss Molly, bomb shell at two o'clock, and it's a classy lady, too. Those are hard to come by, and Lorne isn't one to pass up an opportunity when it walks into his club. Wearing a red dress the likes of which Rita Hayworth would die, nonetheless. He walks over with a smile and his hand ready for a shake or, hopefully, a proper kiss on her knuckles. He'll definitely ask for a dance later on.

"Be still my heart. Honey, your look? Sublime."


call_me_chase November 4 2008, 02:22:54 UTC
Chase turned to find an elegantly dressed man standing a few feet away.

"Thank you," she said, blushing, and put her hand in his. "I'm Chase Meridian."


myownluck November 4 2008, 01:37:43 UTC
Harvey, eventually managing to get a coffee (not having a valid or decent fake ID with which to get anything stronger), stands somewhere sort-of-central and watches people go by. The eye being drawn naturally to bright colours, red in particular, it's.... really sort of inevitable that Chase catches his attention. But what to do now that he's seen her...?

Ting. Slap.

He smiles winningly, and waves. Hello, doctor.


icd10f60pt7 November 4 2008, 02:19:43 UTC
So many colors so little time. Months and months and months ago, this sort of thing wouldn't be on Harley's list of things to do. But it's not months and months and months ago, and she's different now.

In a manner of speaking.

She's dressed fancier than she usually dresses, or maybe that's changed too. A red dress, black and red tights and black boots. So maybe fancy's not the word for it, but she's developing a theme here.

At any rate, she looks suitably impressed with this place.


myownluck November 4 2008, 03:12:44 UTC
Oh, hey. Look at who it is. (What is it with you and girls in red dresses tonight, Harvey?) The rather cheerful fellow over there with half a face and half a cup of coffee would like to say hello, Harley. By coming up quietly behind you, and then piping up.

"Fancy seeing you here."


icd10f60pt7 November 4 2008, 03:24:04 UTC
(It's the bright colors. They attract the eyes of crazy)

You mean by startling her and making her glad she doesn't have a drink in her hand yet? Hi, Harvey! Once she sees who it is, she grins. Oh, how she grins. "Heeey. Same to you!" Not really.


myownluck November 4 2008, 03:31:43 UTC
Yep, just like that. Hey, since your hands are free, would you like one of Harvey's? "How have you been? We've missed you."


i_own_this November 4 2008, 03:41:25 UTC
Bruce Wayne shows up with a small crowd of people, a few guys he went to university with and a gaggle of women who may be their wives or girlfriends or mistresses or wait, is this really important?

He's dressed up like a priest, is almost certainly three sheets to the wind and wants to know who's singing and if the DJ will change the song to KISS halfway through or something. That would be hilarious.


myownluck November 4 2008, 03:58:25 UTC
In comparison, Harvey Dent has no crowd, and no gaggle fo women. (Though that may change -- he does seem to be collecting girls in red dresses at an alarming pace.) He does, however, have a fresh cup of coffee and a Judah Stark, the latter of which he seems to be gently nudging and pointing in Bruce's direction.


lastchancetorun November 4 2008, 04:08:40 UTC
Oh Harvey, Judah sees him. And he looks positively boggled at the sight of his (former) patient. Oh, God. Do you want to go over and say hi? Judah does not look enthused!


myownluck November 4 2008, 15:11:49 UTC
He's sort of tempted! Just because it would be funny, even if it's an awful idea. And you know what 'sort of tempted' means, right?

Yep. Out comes the coin. :D?


thimblerig November 6 2008, 14:17:08 UTC
He's fashionably late, right guys? Right? :D? Either way, here come Felix doing his best to look like Cool Hand Luke and being just a little too doofy at heart to pull it off.


honkytonktunes November 6 2008, 17:59:25 UTC
He's fashionably, fabulously late, and one of few people who gets air-y cheek kisses (just because in this setting, Lorne can get away with it).

"Hello, you. Glad you could make it."


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