[In which Eddie shoot the Joker in the face, and Harvey loses his bowling alley.]

Jun 26, 2009 02:30

[21:45] To recap: The Legion of Doom (and mascots) is sitting around in Harvey Dent's bowling alley, talking about college and high school reunions. Eventually, God willing, there'll be Chinese food.

[21:45] "Because it would be hilarious."
[21:46] * HarveyDent considers. "My twenty-year is next year. I could go."
[21:46] * LivvieM glances at Dib and shrugs. They haven't gotten through a semester.
[21:46] * HarveyDent will not think longer than he has to about almost being 37.
[21:47] * Eddie basks in not being nearly as old as Harvey.
[21:48] "How would that be hilarious?"
[21:49] "Because I'm a criminal and crazy? Mostly?"
[21:49] * DibM kisses Livvie's check. Because the 'adults' are talking so he thinks he can get away with it.
[21:49] * LivvieM grins and hands him a cup of soda.
[21:50] "I wonder if 'theatrical criminal' beat 'supermodel wife' on the high school reunion scale."
[21:51] "Ah. The all purpose excuse, I see."
[21:51] Kisses for soda? Best barter system ever.
[21:51] * HarveyDent sips his soda. Does not get a kiss. Alas.
[21:52] * LivvieM thinks everyone would be rather startled if she kissed Harvey, herself included.
[21:52] "Of course it does. There are way less theatrical criminals in the world than supermodel wives. And... when did I use it as an excuse? I was explaining to you why it would be hilarious, last I checked."
[21:53] "You have an interesting definition of hilarity." Oh, look. Soda.
[21:54] "Nooo, you just don't agree, which is excusable."
[21:54] "There are worse ones."
[21:54] Siiiiip. And grin to Livvie. They might be the most mature people in the room at the moment.
[21:55] They are also the most quiet, it's awesome.
[21:55] "There's nothing wrong with my sense of humor."
[21:55] "Did I say there was?"
[21:55] Okay, time to speak up. "Interesting doesn't mean something's wrong with it, Eddie."
[21:56] * HarveyDent is going to get himself a cookie, okay? Oh, hey, they really -are- black and white!
[21:56] * HarveyDent looks just as pleased by this as you might expect.
[21:57] * LivvieM grins some more. Yay!
[21:57] * JudahStark is as amused by that, all of these things, as one might expect. Shocking.
[21:57] "No, Harvey said 'there were worse o...' Oh, forget it."
[21:57] * Eddie drinks soda.
[21:58] *are
[21:58] * LivvieM wrinkles her nose at Judah. "Should we have brought tea?"
[21:58] | <-- SpookyMFLuder has left apocalypse.fi.eu.darkmyst.org (Exit: )
[21:58] "Nooo."
[21:58] * Eddie pulls out his phone and starts texting people or something. Social interaction.
[21:58] "I wasn't implying that yours was deficient, Eddie." Napkin to the cheek, and he takes a bite of his cookie.
[21:59] "Mmhm. I know you get it, Harvey."
[22:00] "Mmm. These are good. Thank you, Livvie."
[22:00] Dib is just going to set his cup down to snag a cookie.... and his other arm is totally going to move to wrap around Livvie's waist.
[22:00] * HarveyDent nods to Eddie. And sees, but does not comment, on the arm.
[22:00] More grinning! "I'll let Allison know that they were well received." Livvie looks very happy about this here arm, what?
[22:01] * JudahStark smirks, juuust a bit.
[22:01] "Do that." And -- hey, phone ringing. "I think that's our food." He pulls out the phone and answers. "Yes?"
[22:02] * Eddie ignores these guys in favor of random internet people.
[22:03] "...yes, perfect. I'm on my way. Thanks." Click. Look to Judah. "Well?"
[22:03] * LivvieM gives everyone a thumbs up. And Dib a kiss on the cheek too. "Ready steady go."
[22:03] * JudahStark will smirk again, finish his soda and get up. "I'm *going*" Sigh. Really.
[22:05] "It's a couple blocks west, in Rootsville park."
[22:05] Now Dib's arm is lonely. But! He will get his own phone out. Type-y type.
[22:05] "Rootsville park. Got it."
[22:06] * LivvieM and Judah are gone, don't blow up the place without them kids.
[22:06] Damn, that was the first thing on Dib's list. Harvey has a mircowave and everything.
[22:07] * HarveyDent is going to drink his soda, eat his cookie, and eye you texting people with the sort of detached calm that only blunted affect and delicious atypical antipsychotics can provide.
[22:07] * Eddie hits buttons on his phone, drinks soda, wiggles his feet, and is not sulking.
[22:08] * HarveyDent tongues a crumb out of his jawbone. "So, how are things at work, Dib?"
[22:09] Dib is aware that texting while a guest is kinda rude, so he will roll a 'Casual confersation' check: "They're good. Sorta. People are jumpy because of the Fed, but happy to have a certain someone missing."
[22:11] * Eddie listens to the two, quietly, but pockets his phone.
[22:11] * DibM would also comment about the lack of 'leadership, or at least a figurehead.... But Eddie is right /there/. Seems rude to talk about it.
[22:12] * HarveyDent smirks. "Imagine that. Has he been up to anything interesting?"
[22:13] * Eddie scowls.
[22:13] "The Fed? Mostly looking into how you made a gun appear out of thin air." Dib is curious as well, but he has no problem trying to work it out for himself.
[22:15] A grin. "Well, let me know if he somes up with any interesting theories." No, Dib, he isn't telling you.
[22:16] * Eddie tilts his head.
[22:16] "He probably thinks it's an inside job." Dib hasn't been told to watch months worth of closet doors yet...
[22:17] Oh. Look. People are back with food. Hooray!
[22:18] Chinese food at that. Livvie makes room in the current food arrangement.
[22:18] Food! And people! To save them from Awkward Man conversation!
[22:18] "Probably." In a sense, anyway...
[22:18] "Oh, good. Any trouble?"
[22:18] "Nope!"
[22:19] "None."
[22:20] "Then let's eat. I got the vegetable stir fry, brown rice."
[22:20] * DibM will just attempt to help Livvie by not getting in her way to much while peering about. Mmmmm food.
[22:21] * Eddie watches.
[22:21] "Do you want anything or?" To Eddie who might not eat food other people have touched or so Livvie assumes.
[22:22] "Um, yes, thank you, I'll have some."
[22:23] * JudahStark will pass out food with Livvie, then, shall he?
[22:25] * DibM will eat whatever is given to him. Because he is a teenaged boy.
[22:26] * LivvieM will give everyone some of everything unless they protest. Then? Eating! >:D
[22:28] * HarveyDent happily chows the heck down. He's gotten very, very good at avoiding making a mess, when doing so, too.
[22:28] * Eddie isn't protesting, but he's keeping quiet while he sorts through the vegetables.
[22:29] * DibM has watched the Joker eat. Nothing could disgust him now. But he is impressed with Harvey's skill!
[22:30] * Eddie does avoid looking at Harvey eating.
[22:30] * LivvieM doesn't watch people to eat to start, but, anyway. "This is all really good."
[22:30] * JudahStark is sure everyone is appreciative of Harvey's eating skills. "Yes."
[22:31] * HarveyDent nods, swallows his rice. "I'll have to keep their number."
[22:31] * HarveyDent would also note, Judah, that it's better than him -not- having skill.
[22:31] I wonder if it's their policy to make sure the food they send out to random steet corners or parks is /really/ good....."
[22:32] * LivvieM chuckles.
[22:32] * HarveyDent laughs. "It would be a good one."
[22:34] * Eddie is apparently going to sort all the vegetables into piles before eating.
[22:35] * HarveyDent makes no comment on this at all. Hell, it's not worse than -his- unique eating approach.
[22:35] * DibM wonders if Eddie has an order that he plans to eat them in as well.
[22:35] * JudahStark isn't going to comment. As if Mr Cocoa puffs and rice milk could.
[22:37] * DibM wouldn't see anything wrong with Cocoa Puffs and rice milk.... mostly because if he could he'd live off energy drinks.
[22:37] * Eddie is, in fact, going to eat them in order.
[22:38] * HarveyDent weeps for the poor nutrition of his city.
[22:38] 'Could' implies, for Dib, that his girlfriend no longer comes over and cooks on occasion. But, she's done eating so she'll grab another cookie and smile.
[22:39] Indeed it does.It also involves there not being an energy drink that tastes like good pizza.
[22:44] * JudahStark would find that drink horrifying. Really.
[22:45] * HarveyDent would have to agree. Pizza should not be carbonated. He learned that lesson in college....
[22:46] A pizza smoothy? With caffeine boosts! It could be a new Jamba Juice......
[22:46] * HarveyDent spears a mushroom off of Judah's plate with a chopstick, and grins as he eats it.
[22:48] * LivvieM shakes her head. Cute!
[22:48] * DibM will not comment to Livvie about how it looks like Mom and Dad have made up......
[22:48] No, they can throw knowing looks at each other anyway.
[22:49] * JudahStark just shakes his head and smirks. Oh Harvey.
[22:49] * TheJoker is observant, see? The sort of observant guy that notices when there is a delivery man standing around in the middle of nowhere. He can play detective too, see? And he can be stealthy. He can ~follow~ and he can listen at doors... and he can wait. Once it's quiet inside aside from the sounds of eating, he figures it's his cue.
[22:50] * HarveyDent smirks back. Yeees, Judah?
[22:51] * TheJoker throws open the staff door, left unlocked, and enters wielding a small revolver with helium balloons tied to the barrel. He strides into their little party like he owns the place. "Sorry I'm late, everybody. Oooh, looks good. Do I get a fortune cookie?"
[22:52] There is an 'oh what the...?' pause from Livvie before her brain catches up to who she's looking at.
[22:53] * HarveyDent 's eye goes wide, and he slams his hands down on the table and stands. He can't even think of anything to say, just -- Oh, God.
[22:53] * JudahStark just *sighs*.
[22:53] * DibM brain catches up rather fast. Which is wht he's now holding a cell phone that was *not* the same phone he had earlier.
[22:53] * Eddie jolts and sits up straight.
[22:55] * HarveyDent weaves between the tables, not even seeming to -see- the gun, just walking straight up to the Joker. The wide-eyed look has become a hell of a glare. "Get out."
[22:57] "No no, don't get up just for my sake. Relax! Keep eating." He looks up a little to meet Harvey's eyes. "Don't be rude, Harvey. You..ah...already forgot my invitation to your clubhouse. Now be a good host and get me a seat."
[22:58] * DibM is totally moving so he's between Livvie and the Joker.... He doesn't plan to do anything with the 'cell phone' (because who know's if it will work) but it makes him feel better.
[22:59] * LivvieM grabs his free hand because, ah, where are you going Dib? Stop moving.
[23:00] * JudahStark is pretty much going to jab Livvie in the shoulder for them to get on over by him. For God's sake.
[23:00] * HarveyDent looks. And falters for half a second -- no. He's glaring again. "Go. To Hell. -Out.-"
[23:01] * LivvieM reacts to jabbing and steps back and over, hopefully dragging Dib with her.
[23:01] * Eddie sorts the carrots out and keeps his eyes on the Joker.
[23:02] * DibM will be dragged, but he's keeping the side with the phone facing the Joker.
[23:08] * TheJoker pouts at Harvey. This is not a warm greeting at all. He pushes the gun at Harvey. "But, Harvey, I brought balloons.... And if a clown's not welcome at a party, what's the world come to?"
[23:10] "We're Jehovah witnesses; We're not actually having a party, just a meeting." Dib? Shut UP.
[23:11] * JudahStark sighs. Just. Sighs. "Quiet. Be quiet."
[23:11] * HarveyDent gives the gun an annoyed look. Like it's one of those goddamn sock puppets, or something similarly trivial. (Do you -really- think he cares about dying?) But -- everyone else in here. Fuck. He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his coin. Clean side. "You leave." Burnt side. "We make you a seat. And you don't touch any of them."
[23:13] * HarveyDent still has a little bit of the old hero in him, apparently.
[23:14] * TheJoker glares at Dib for lying. Still, Harvey is compromising for him. Like always. He likes Harvey and his simple decisions and so he smiles. "Alright. I agree. All I wanted is to be included, after all."
[23:15] * Eddie eats noodles and considers the location of his gun, which, unfortunately, is at home.
[23:16] * LivvieM puts her arm around Dib's waist. Partially because she's tiny and he's tall and partially so that she can squeeze the breath out of him if he tries to talk again.
[23:16] * HarveyDent looks back at them. Then back at the Joker. And flips. Ting. Slap. And -- burnt side up. He groans. "Make room." Sorry, everyone.
[23:17] * Eddie has this neutral, interested sort of look that his old gaming group would recognize.
[23:17] * JudahStark wonders if that 'flip again' thing would work again for this.
[23:17] Only one way to find out! (...probably not.)
[23:18] Moving over happens. Sitting next to Judah and still dragging Dib along happens too while Livvie tries to find her calm. Taking a pill? Doesn't seem like the best idea right now.
[23:20] * DibM will be moved over.He also looks way to calm for someone who drew attention to themselves a few moments ago. Blame Arkham training.
[23:21] * JudahStark may be, internally, debating taking Dib and Livvie and going. Maybe. Because this seems like such a bad idea.
[23:21] * HarveyDent would strongly encourage this, really.
[23:21] * HarveyDent as long as that doesn't get anyone shot.
[23:21] "Thanks, Harv." He smiles wide and looks for who will welcome him to a seat. Dib scoots and he squishes in next to him. The clown gris and rests his arms on the table looking very pleased.
[23:24] * HarveyDent returns to the table, too, taking his previous seat and -- not glaring, anymore, butwearing the sort of resignedly hateful 'I would really like to kill you, but am unable' look that he's had on his face... a lot, the past month and a half in Arkham.. "You're getting your own food."
[23:24] * Eddie becomes more meticulous with his food, if that's possible. The intrusion must be balanced.
[23:26] * DibM is going to think nice, pleasant thoughts. Mostly about how he can't talk to anyone about this ever.
[23:29] * TheJoker pouts at Harvey again. No food? What a sad party. He sighs and lays his gun down on the table. Right there. Like an open invitation decorated in balloons. He rests his arms, palms down, on either side, a few inches away. He's not even saying anything, see? Just .... watching everyone.
[23:29] * HarveyDent meant he could get up and get some of the chinese on the other table, actually. But he's just as happy to see the clown starve.
[23:30] * DibM will not tase will not tase will not tase it's a death sentance boy! So he's just going to look a the balloon very hard.
[23:31] * LivvieM closes her eyes and takes a breath. Can she offer the clown a cookie? Should she? Jesus.
[23:31] * JudahStark will give Harvey the briefest 'good job re: the clown' Look and go back to eating. Oh, Judah.
[23:31] If you give a clown a cookie...
[23:32] * HarveyDent gives Judah a look back. What was he -supposed- to do? Coin!
[23:32] * LivvieM would say sticking to the NO he had going originally, but, whatever. Soda. And leaning on Dib. That works.
[23:33] * JudahStark really hates that coin. Really.
[23:35] * TheJoker loves Harvey's coin and supports him and his life choices. He also doesn't eat much and is very picky about his food. This is sure a quiet bunch. "So, what are we celebrating? "
[23:37] * HarveyDent picks at a mushroom. "Not being in Arkham."
[23:37] "Shucks, we never actually decided."
[23:37] "Do we need to?"
[23:37] "Not being in Arkham. Next week I should bring dice."
[23:39] "I like dice. Harvey, do you like dice?"
[23:39] * LivvieM has another cookie. And Dib's soda. Because she's really paying attention folks, can you tell?
[23:39] "They'll do in a pinch." He taps his fingers on the table. "Odd is heads. Even is tails."
[23:40] "He's mostly keen on his dee-two."
[23:40] * JudahStark looks at Livvie. "Get your things. Now." Quiet, parent voice.
[23:40] "I have my things." The tupperware can /stay/. Pulling on Dib's hand.
[23:41] * DibM is apparently Livvie's thing. He's okay with that.
[23:41] "Good." To Harvey: "We're going. Good luck with *this*. Be careful." STILL with the parent voice. Oh, Judah.
[23:41] "Going so soon? But...ah...you haven't even finished." He points at their plates with a fidgety hand.
[23:42] * LivvieM doesn't say anything but she does give Judah the keys and follows...out or wherever.
[23:43] "Means more for us." He gives Judah a 'don't worry' sort of look back. It'll be okay. ...for some definition, at least. "Do I want to know what you've been up to?"
[23:43] * DibM will just hold on to Livvie's hand as they go... 'cell phone' in his other hand the whole way.
[23:44] * JudahStark ignoooores the crazy clown, all right and goes. GO.
[23:47] * Eddie quirks a brow.
[23:49] * TheJoker waves goodbye to those departing and slides Dib's remaining meal over in front of himself to pick at. This is edible. This isn't and is tossed. This is edible. He eats with his fingers. "Always takes a while to get back where you were after....after Arkham. Just.." He waves a hand. "Resetting."
[23:50] * HarveyDent mms. Well, he can't argue with that. "Detoxing?"
[23:50] "I can't imagine you need to spend much time on planning."
[23:52] * TheJoker stops picking at his food and frowns. Yeah, that too. More detoxing than planning. "Mmm? No no. No plans. But ya still gotta be prepared. Especially without one! ... need supplies and support. Recruiting and...restocking."
[23:52] "Thaaat would involve some manner of plan."
[23:54] * Eddie nudges at his food with chopsticks.
[23:55] "Oh? See...I don't think so. It's just....things I like having until I use them."
[23:55] "Ten foot pole, fifty foot rope, and a brass lantern?"
[23:56] "Not my list, but if that's what works for you."
[23:57] "Gun, coin, and a change of clothes."
[23:57] "Bad starting equipment, there."
[23:58] "I've done pretty well with it before."
[23:58] "Which is why you ask me for help?"
[23:59] "Gasoline, gunpowder, detonators, somewhere to store it.... Clothes."
[23:59] * HarveyDent rolls his eyes. "Because it's quicker than holding up a pharmacy."
[00:00] * Eddie smirks.
[00:01] "Gun, you can mug, rob, and carjack, work your way up. The other two are obvious."
[00:01] * HarveyDent is your former District Attorney, folks!
[00:03] "You guys'd be the group from hell, you know."
[00:04] "Group?" He plucks up a piece of baby corn. "Is this another game thing?"
[00:05] "Yup. We'd have Chinese food and soda, and throw dice around, and argue about rules for explosives, I'm sure."
[00:06] "...Explosives don't have rules." This conversation is weird. And that means a lot from him.
[00:06] "Unless they do."
[00:07] "See, this is how it would go. We'd have black powder rules for fourth edition all worked out."
[00:08] "And inevitably, someone brings up the lack of necessity for that particular development, because we can just throw dice at the miniatures to see if they fall over..."
[00:08] "Fourth edition what? I don't like rules." He looks at Harvey, the more rational one at the table. "What's he talking about, Harvey?"
[00:08] "Dungeons and Dragons."
[00:09] * HarveyDent looks sidelong at the Joker. "It's a game he plays. Roleplaying."
[00:09] * TheJoker laughs, open and loud. what a silly thing to worry about. They can play with real people. Why miniatures?
[00:10] "It's not as fun as the real deal, though."
[00:11] "Of course not. Why pretend?"
[00:12] "When you can do."
[00:12] "And I have been, and it's great."
[00:14] * HarveyDent just listens quietly to them, for the moment, and eats, and is very, very glad Judah and the kids are out of here.
[00:19] * TheJoker continues to eat and will, in fact, talk with his mouth full. "Ohhh. And what have you been doing, Eddie? What are you going to do? You. You're the kinda guy that always has a plan."
[00:22] * Eddie keeps picking at his food and not eating. He can't really eat watching that. Gross. "Naturally. I've been working on converting another warehouse into an awesome trap maze."
[00:25] "Ah. That sounds real...ah...exciting. I'm less of a carpenter. Don't have the patience. I'd rather just play."
[00:25] "Oh, you could, if you wanted."
[00:26] "I don't follow the rules. I'd ruin your game." He smiles, thinking about doing just that.
[00:28] "I wouldn't be a good GM, if I couldn't cope with screwball players."
[00:28] * HarveyDent sighs, quietly. Well, it could be worse...
[00:30] "... That's not a very nice word, Eddie. Screwball. ... I won't play with you if you're mean."
[00:31] * Eddie giggles. "Ohhh man, harsh words, I know. Darn."
[00:40] * TheJoker seems really bothered by being laughed at. Odd for a clown. He glares at Eddie, leaving his food. "See, now...I would think you would rather have me play your games, than include you in mine. You should play nice, Eddie."
[00:41] * HarveyDent seems to be out of soda. Hmm. Good timing. "Excuse me." He stands. To the fridge!
[00:43] "You don't play games. You run around kicking things over." He waves a hand, dismissively. "Maybe you spend a little time setting them up, first... you have nothing to talk about."
[00:44] * HarveyDent gets himself some ice from the freezer, and another soda. He takes his time on this.
[00:45] * TheJoker realizes that Eddie doesn't 'get it' and isn't going to. Better to hit him with something he will understand. "Oh, I don't know.... If we both died right now, which of us to you think would beremembered?" He smiles at Eddie before laughing again.
[00:49] * Eddie smiles pleasantly. It's been so long since he really felt like himself. "See, that's a perfect example. The conversation wasn't going where you wanted it to go, so you went for the easy blow at my narcissism. You'd be remembered more, because you're totally bonkers. Another?"
[00:51] * HarveyDent watches them, and ponders, vaguely, finding his gun. (Or staying here and watching.) But he -really- thinks being armed would be a good idea...
[00:52] * TheJoker 's expression goes very flat and blank. "I'm not crazy. ... I'll be remembered because I change things. You waste your time with building and planning and riddles no one cares about. "
[00:52] * HarveyDent fishes out his coin. Flips. Hm. Well... "I'll be back in a minute." He skirts around the table to the door to the basement.
[00:55] "Dude. You don't change anything. You cause senseless havoc, the same sort of of bloody nonsense that goes on everywhere in the world You're not meaningful. You're the kid who rolls up a barbarian half-orc and thinks it's good roleplaying to attack every NPC."
[01:09] *TheJoker shrugs and leans back lazily as if he's defeated. "You know... you might have a point. I mean, I'm not really out to make aname for myself. Me? I'm just doing what comes naturally. I'm having fun, and that's what counts. Enjoying what you do. At least I ...ah...know what I am. I'm a hair trigger. A dog off its chain. A cascading avalanche already ...in motion." He smiles as he pauses. "You're an angry nerd who wants revenge for high school." More laughter.
[01:15] * Eddie just got done saying high school wasn't that bad, too. And as for anger, there is absolutely no trace of it in his expression as he scoops up the gun, aims it at the man's face, and fires. "~Wrong~. Idiot."
[01:29] * TheJoker sees Eddie move for the gun too late. He laughs, mostly in impressed surprise, as he tries to push away from the table and dodge the shot. No one is faster than a bullet at this range, though. There's a strangled scream at the end of that laughter, and lost in the echoing blast of the gun.
[01:31] * HarveyDent hears THAT from downstairs, and drops whatever he's doing -- or doesn't. He has his gun in hand when he comes running up, coming to a skidding halt in the doorway when he sees what's happened. And to whom. He stares.
[01:32] * TheJoker goes over backwards, hitting the floor and laying in a lifeless heap, blood pooling around him and covering his face. It quickly soaks his hair and soaking into the back of his jacket and his sleeves. His face looks damaged, if you care to look. Especially his mouth. It's hard to tell how bad the shot was without moving him.
[01:33] * Eddie flicks the string of the balloon off the gun, and checks his shirt for blood splattering. That's why he's taking a step back, now. Then he eyes the man on the floor. His expression is the way it was before, neutral and interested.
[01:35] * HarveyDent is... trying to think of something to say, here. His mouth works for a few moments, mothing comes out. He swallows. "-- Jesus."
[01:37] * HarveyDent 's brain starts to catch up. Body. Joker (oh god oh god). On the floor. Body. (Eddie just shot someone. Hah!) "...we need to move him."
[01:37] "Gawd, he didn't even make it to riddles. That's so sad."
[01:37] * Eddie tilts his head.
[01:38] "Think that got him?"
[01:39] "Hard to see how it couldn't have." He approaches the body, cautiously. Ready for a hand grabbing his ankle, or -- something.
[01:39] There's a soft -thump- on the roof.
[01:40] "Is there blood on me, Harvey?"
[01:40] * TheJoker is playing dead very well, if it's a rouse. He doesn't flinch when Harvey comes near and his breathing, if he is, is too shallow to be apparent.
[01:41] me steps away from the body, looking up at the ceiling. "Did you hear that?"
[01:41] * Eddie shifts his grip on the gun, going pale. "Is there blood on me?"
[01:44] The door swings open. There's no moment of dramatic backlighting. Just a very large man in black armor filling most of the doorway, taking scant seconds to assess the scene, and barrel in, whipping a batarang at Eddie with intent to disarm.
[01:45] * HarveyDent takes this as a cue to get the hell out of here. He breaks and runs, vaulting down the steps to the basement four at a time. If he's lucky, he'll remember to grab some necessities before he does. If not... well. He's got a gun, his coin, and clothes.
[01:49] * Eddie 's newly equipped gun is knocked out of his hand, and he yelps, attention torn between Harvey's fleeing and Batman's arrival. He grabs his hand and has to think fast. Think fast -now-!
[01:51] * TheBatman may be biased, but would say that -he- is the larger concern, of those two. He's as fast as he ever is, moving in what feels like eyeblinks to grapple Eddie, restrain him. Not even bothering with growled demands or questions, this time.
[01:53] * Eddie is pretty terrible at the whole unarmed combat against a huge crazy vigilante thing. His weapon was the gun. His coat is across the room. He tries to run, himself, but doesn't swing back if he's caught. That might be worse.
[01:58] It would, in fact, be worse. Batman swiftly restrains the Riddler, with those signature matte black cuffs, forcing him to the floor with a growled "Don't move." Then he whips around to examine the Joker, crouching to see -- whether he's still -alive,- to start.
[02:00] * TheJoker breathes shallowly, bubbles rising through blood as it fills his mouth. He coughs weakly, trying not to drown, as Batman checks on his vital signs....If he's conscious, he's completely unaware.
[02:00] * Eddie can't help it. He's going to squirm. There is -blood on the floor-, here. "Very simple question, Batman. What needed to be done?" He turns his head to watch what's going on, here. Please let the guy actually be de... EW BLOOD.
[02:05] * TheBatman is more relieved than he is disappointed to see that the Joker's still alive, which is terrifying in ways he absolutely refuses to think about. He shakes his head, shortly, as he draws his fingers through the blood, trying to get a better idea of how bad the injuries are. "Not this." Not killing. -Never- killing. Shouldn't move him, but the ambulance won't make it in time... He taps his...
[02:05] * TheBatman ...cowl, activating the phone. "Gordon." Dialing...
[02:06] * JimGordon does not like his phone rigning at this time of night. Ever. Nothing good is on the other end. "Gordon here."
[02:09] "Alert St. Lucas's they have a high-security case coming in the ER." Gotham General is too far away. But St. Lucas Mission Hospital. "Gunshot to the head."
[02:10] * TheBatman carefully starts to lift the Joker, taking as much caution as he can with his head and neck, without sacrificing speed. He didn't see -spinal- injury, but hell, who can tell?
[02:12] * Eddie squirms more, and tries to sit up.
[02:13] * JimGordon is already dialing the ER on his desk phone. "How high a high-security case? Should I send a squad?" For a gunshot to the head? The victim isn't going to be moving much.
[02:16] * TheBatman isn't paying heed to Eddie as he lifts the clown, and starts to carry him out. "To 53rd and Fifth Avenue, Downtown. The Riddler's here, cuffed. Two-Face was here, but fled to the basement. Probably escaped." There isn't -time- to go after him... damn it. "Victim is the Joker." And he knows, already, how well -that- is going to go over. But he doesn't -care.-
[02:20] "Right.....right. I'll send someone to pick up Nigma and then to begin searching for Harvey." He's going to ignore the rest of that. Or he'll blow a blood vessel.
[02:21] * TheBatman grunts. And -- disconnects the call. He's -out- of there, and off to deliver a bleeding clown to a soon to be very unhappy hospital.
[02:23] * Eddie is going to work on getting out of these here cuffs, which you bet he's made an effort to analyze, previously. He is -not- going to stick around for cops, but if he has time between escaping and...escaping, he'll grab his coat and hat, anything he can find of Harvey's (laptop?), and another soda, in that order.

myownluck, edsidlemirth, ha_in_havoc, [log], knight_so_dark, agent_m0thman, lastchancetorun, cmmrjamesgordon, beautyinbroken

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