So soggy today. Of course this is the naff end of snowy weather; the dirty stuff takes ages to shift and is just a nuisance. Here's a link to local BBC site with pictures including some from where I live and nearby. I like the frost on the car picture. You never see that sort of pattern any more. Whatever happened to Jack Frost Eh? Eh?
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Comments 4
We have weird powdery light snow today but are still predicted heavy snow for tomorrow and Weds. Think I should make the most of this kid and hubby free day!
We Sky+ boxed Being Human - did you watch the first series? I like it a lot. One word for you: iPlayer!!
ETA: Alternatively, you could join tvshare here is link to first ep :D
I saw your forecast. Not good.
ETA It's OK it's on again tonight. Catch up time. I loved the first series and I forgot the second was starting in January.
I would watch it now, but the hubby wants to see it too. What I love most about it, I think, is how bloody normal the three of them are - whilst being these other things. Hee :)
I need to get me a Being Human icon...
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