Another year begins...

Jan 13, 2010 10:23

While it kind of hurts to think about the beginning of the year due to my work situation ramping up to ridiculous amounts of hours, the end of last year should carry me through at least half of my busy season ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

wovenindelibly January 13 2010, 18:41:02 UTC
Ooh, I'm interested, that sounds like fun!

See you guys Friday!


a_karls January 13 2010, 19:09:21 UTC
Doesn't it sound cool? It's something different and it's a group activity. I thought it would be fun.

Yes - Friday! I forgot to respond to your email. I'm picking Mere up and heading directly there so an after theatre drink/dessert sounds like a good plan to us. Mere is staying with me Friday night so we don't have to worry about her catching the train too late or anything.


masheek2 January 13 2010, 19:24:15 UTC
One of the guys I hung out with last week told me to do Accomplice Hollywood! He said Nathan Fillion did it a couple weeks ago (I would die if he was in my group! LOL). I am definitely in!

I can't wait for Friday!!


a_karls January 13 2010, 19:49:00 UTC
Yay! That makes 3 people! I heard about it from Neil Patrick Harris because he did it and talked about it on tv. It sounded awesome so I really want to try it.

Gale!!!!!!!!! I can't wait either. I think he's actually going to play the guitar. (At least it looks like it from the pictures.) woo! Maybe Scott or Peter will be there too. I really need to make more icons!


masheek2 January 13 2010, 19:51:35 UTC
I had never heard of it until last week, but it seems like it's everywhere lol

I hope one of them shows up, although they'll probably go on a Thursday night or something lol


a_karls January 14 2010, 00:16:56 UTC
Probably! Or the Sunday matinee. I'm sure opening weekend will be out - although Scott did show up for the opening of his film (that he only produced!) so maybe he'll show up for this as well. We can cross our fingers!


fickwalker January 13 2010, 20:21:58 UTC
Oh my! You made it to Darren's NYE show? THAT'S AWESOME! He's done nothing but talk about it for weeks on Twitter. Sounds like it was an amazing night!


a_karls January 13 2010, 21:58:36 UTC
I did make it! We actually started planning the trip last January when he first mentioned that he was going to do it. It was totally worth the year wait though. I can't wait until he releases his new album and tours again. He really is AWESOME on stage. No one can sing as well as he can live. No one. :D


glendaglamazon January 13 2010, 22:02:30 UTC
Sounds like you all had a great trip! (Despite the show cancellations--that happened to my BFF, too. She came to NYC to catch Idina Menzel's last week in Wicked, and Idina called out that night. It's just too big a risk to take just for one performer--but I'm glad the shows were fun anyway!)

I'd be up for that Accomplice Hollywood thing for your birthday! It sounds like great fun! A friend and I just did the Amazing LA Race, which was sort of similar, and a blast!


a_karls January 14 2010, 00:15:52 UTC
Luckily the main reason for my trip was Darren and the rest was just thrown in once we knew we were going. Surprisingly I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be about it. Just kind of rolled with the punches. I still had a great time without them.

Yay for another brave soul! When I saw NPH talk about it a few months ago I thought it sounded intriguing and really wanted to do it. I think I'll be able to get a group of 10 together (with others who aren't on LJ) so we should definitely do it. I love doing new things! Plus, we'll get to see a little bit more of LA that we may have missed otherwise.


without_me January 14 2010, 03:18:15 UTC
Yes to brunch and yes to your birthday plans!!!


a_karls January 14 2010, 03:53:22 UTC
Awesome! I'm so happy that people want to go on this new adventure.

I'll email you about brunch. It's been so long since I've seen you!


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