Still here. With a random TV observation

Oct 18, 2014 12:16

Long time no post.  I'm pretty sure almost no one is still out there, but I had this in my brain and there's reallly no other place to put it.  I was watching the show "Cristela" and I realized that Pelant is playing this intern at the law firm with her and he's all happy and insulated and not a serial killer at all (yet), and all I could think was ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

be_cool_bec October 19 2014, 16:07:59 UTC
Ugh i hated Pelant! I'd definitely struggle to see him as anyone else.

I'm sure that's happened to me a few times as well but the only example i can think of is Kevin Bacon in Sleepers; I couldn't even watch him in ANYTHING for years after that movie because he played such an awful character. I actually think it wasn't until his hilarious cameo in Will & Grace that i forgave him!


a_h_c October 19 2014, 23:25:10 UTC
Oh, that's a good one. I realized that I still see the guy who was Logan on Gilmore Girls as Logan (who I did NOT like) for all the years that he's been on The Good Wife. It's just like Logan grew up, left journalism and became a lawyer. That I don't like.


afrocurl October 19 2014, 19:24:37 UTC
I was at an event for Cristela and black-ish and he was sitting in front of me. Without knowing more than that he was in the show, I was like, "Can I do this?" UGH! Creeper actors ruining their new characters for me.


a_h_c October 19 2014, 23:26:22 UTC
Hi! Long time. Yes, the creepiness definitely colors how much you can accept some people in a new role, I think. Of course, if you've seen them in a few things first, then they do the creeper, it somehow doesn't seem to stick as much. Interesting how that works!


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