May 12, 2011 15:15

[It was difficult to celebrate a holiday under the effects of mind control, no matter how subtle.  So he'd postponed his plans, just a few days.  The exact date wasn't of much importance to him - they hadn't even had this day in Tazmily - but the spirit of it . . . That was what he wanted to honor.

He holds a single sunflower, the mass of ( Read more... )

kay, rainbow dash, silence, crowe, damian, the captain, the netherlands, nanashi, aaron, jeff andonuts, tavros

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Comments 192

2 perfektsymmetry May 13 2011, 01:58:50 UTC
[Crowe will spot him, and quietly sit down next to him, giving him a sympathetic look.]

You alright?


a_gentle_boy May 13 2011, 02:36:44 UTC
[Lucas will have been quietly contemplating the flower by then for some time. His head snaps around quickly as Crowe approaches.]

Oh! Crowe...

[There is an instinctive half-movement at an attempt to block the memorial before he realizes that would be pointless.]

I'm alright. ...Just thinking. It's a nice day to be outside . . .


perfektsymmetry May 13 2011, 02:48:47 UTC
Mm, it is. That's one thing about Mayfield - never a bad day when it comes to weather.

[His eyes dart to the monument, and he gives Lucas a small smile.] Ah, that's a very nice gesture.


a_gentle_boy May 13 2011, 02:54:36 UTC
Is it?

[In stark contrast to the last boy who'd stumbled across him. Lucas smiles faintly.]

It isn't like she'll ever know, but . . . it makes me feel better, so . . .


[action 2] skyruns May 13 2011, 02:09:10 UTC
[Jeff shows up near the middle, just listening to him speak. Unlike him or Ness, Jeff never knew what having a mother felt like. Once he finishes, he clears his throat and speaks.]

She would be proud of you. I'd imagine.


a_gentle_boy May 13 2011, 02:39:32 UTC
[He doesn't recognize this person for a moment, but the voice registers soon enough. Lucas's surprised expression slowly fades as he scootches back a little and tries to stand.]

T-Thanks. I -- Um. I don't think there's too much to be proud about, but . . .


skyruns May 13 2011, 02:44:04 UTC
I think she'd be happy to see that you're still doing well. And considering this town... well, that you've remained strong. That's my opinion, at least.


a_gentle_boy May 13 2011, 02:53:12 UTC
Well. Thanks.

By now... I think I might've lived through enough that I can take whatever the town wants to try to throw at me. I probably shouldn't say that out loud.


1 foalingaround May 13 2011, 03:04:12 UTC
[Rainbow Dash is doing her usual patrolling around town. Not having wings made living her a huge inconvenience, but she recognizes Lucas from before and approaches him. After all, he was friendly enough the first time and she's kind of lonely here by herself.]

Hey kid! Who ya talkin' to?


a_gentle_boy May 13 2011, 03:08:08 UTC
[He will break off a little in the middle of his story and glance around. He seems more than a little surprised to see the pony in the middle of the park, but he smiles in a friendly enough manner.]

My friend. ...Um. He's a bug. Say hi, little bug.

[...The bug chirps and makes scratchy vocalizations.]

He says hi. ...And he wants to know how you learned Human.


foalingaround May 13 2011, 05:02:39 UTC
Tch, I don't speak human I speak pony.

[Nevermind that the languages are pretty much the same. Nonetheless she greets the little bug.]

Hey there, little guy!


a_gentle_boy May 13 2011, 05:23:46 UTC
[The bug chitters at her, some sort of gibberish about animals speaking Animal and humans speaking Human. Lucas will watch with an amused smile on his face.]

Other people can understand you, too, though, right? It's not like that where I come from...


1; they may have enough CR for 2 but you don't have enough 1s |D mute_mystic May 13 2011, 23:35:44 UTC
[As the weather has gotten nicer, Silence has been spending more of his time when he's not working simply hanging around the park. The sunlight feels good on his wings, and maybe there's more to him that's similar to a butterfly than just the wings on his back. Most mystics seem to prefer dark, mysterious places...but not him.

Of course, spending awhile trapped in Omble probably helped his fondness for bright places a bit.

He spots Lucas while the boy is planting the flower, but something about his manner stops Silence from approaching immediately. Whatever he's up to, Lucas' demeanor suggests it's something of solemn importance...and, when the boy speaks aloud to his stinkbug, it quickly crystalizes the situation for Silence. Mother's Day, just a few days ago...and a boy asking his mother to be remembered. In the past tense.

Silence hesitates in the quiet after the boy finishes speaking, briefly debating whether it's his place to intrude on such a private moment at all. But he likes Lucas, and he doesn't like the thought of the ( ... )


Fine with me! a_gentle_boy May 14 2011, 02:46:10 UTC
[Lucas will sit quietly for a while after murmuring the remainder of his story to the stinkbug, setting it gently atop his knee. He notices the butterflies eventually - He even lifts his finger up and calls one over to land atop it. A short snatch of conversation passes before Lucas sends it fluttering back up into the air, then slowly turns his head in Silence's direction.]

Hi, Mr. Silence.

I guess you must look like a really big butterfly to them . . .


mute_mystic May 18 2011, 20:05:08 UTC
[Silence sits down beside Lucas with a shrug and a smile, holding out a hand as a perch for a butterfly of his own. As far as he knows, he is part butterfly, though why regular butterflies would be attracted to him he honestly can't say.

Still, he can't complain. He's always liked them.

He glances sidelong at Lucas, quirking an eyebrow ever so slightly in a wordless question. The expression may be subtle, but the 'are you all right?' is as plain as words.]


a_gentle_boy May 22 2011, 03:09:38 UTC
((I apologize for the lateness! As I noted earlier in the OoC comm, I'm on and off hiatus until the 29th. Feel free to ignore.))

[Lucas, astute at interpreting the intent and words of animals, is somewhat more attuned to understanding Silence than he might otherwise be, even if the question wasn't obvious. He'll keep his gaze up at the cloud of butterflies for a few moments before nodding.]

I'll be alright.

.....I guess I'm like this every now and then. It's always been a bad habit of mine.


oh noo how did I miss this 2 vertulpen May 15 2011, 00:16:18 UTC
[By now it's getting a bit later, the sun making it's way across the sky. Netherlands might not have overheard the whole conversation, but he does see Lucas sitting by himself in the park. He wasn't riding his bike these days -- he didn't have one anymore -- but he still needed to get away from the house sometimes.

He's simply going to look down at Lucas for awhile.]


No worries! a_gentle_boy May 15 2011, 01:46:10 UTC
[Lucas will continue to sit quietly for a while after he's said what he's needed to say. Eventually, he will lean back, cross his arms behind his head and lie back, closing his eyes.]


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