SPN Artwork: Bitch Face #5,122,762; NC-17 (Sam/Dean)

Aug 28, 2008 09:49

Fandom: SPN
Title: Bitch Face #5,122,762 (aka ‘Dude, Give Me My Other Sock’; aka ‘If You Want It, Sammy, You Gotta Come and Get It’; aka 'Fun With Morning Wood')
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: For the Porn Battle. so NC-17. Though it's more goofy than porny, really. Still not appropriate for the workplace, though.
Prompt: Supernatural, Dean/Sam, ( Read more... )

sam/dean, art, fanart, supernatural

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Comments 20

remeciel August 28 2008, 17:31:14 UTC
*g* awesome drawing. I particularly love the background, I must say... the color of the window is just perfect.
And too bad the sock's hiding the most interesting part of the drawing, though. ;D


a_fallen_sister August 28 2008, 20:43:46 UTC
Thanks! The background was actually created in the Sims game -- when I need a background fast, it's the quickest way I know of to get the look I want and have the perspective not be too wonky. :o)

And too bad the sock's hiding the most interesting part of the drawing, though.

Ha! Naughty, remeciel! ;o)


joshy_b_goode August 28 2008, 17:48:21 UTC
You are amazing.


a_fallen_sister August 28 2008, 20:46:18 UTC
Thank you so much! :o)


oxoniensis August 29 2008, 22:42:57 UTC
I'm so glad you've posted that art here - it still cracks me up every time I see it! ♥

New fandom because of Netflix (and Signe): Stargate Atlantis. I'm currently 11 episodes into season 2, and omg...Ronon. *swoon* The sheer size of the man makes me feel a little squirmy, and the deep voice, and the beautiful, intense eyes, and those LIPS (omg, the lips.) Holy crap. I'm in love (again.) Oh, and Sheppard and McKay (and Sheppard/McKay) are pretty damn awesome, too. And Teyla kicks ass. Love her.

YAY!!!!!!!!!! OMG, once you've caught up, there are so many fics I can rec - it's an amazing fandom for quality work, fic and art, and very fond of crack too! I'm also happy you're enjoying Doctor Who - whee! It's incredibly cheesy and silly at times, and it's also just incredible at times as well. And there are so many things I can't spoil you about but I know you'll love!

ETA: Thanks for the pimp!


a_fallen_sister August 29 2008, 23:48:39 UTC
Hey there! I've been haunting your LJ, off and on, all day! I'm looking for a request to fill for someone's wishlist -- I'd like to do something for someone who doesn't have anything yet, and there's one that I think I might be able to write a little something for. *crosses fingers*

I only recently realized that there are brand new eps of SGA airing now -- I have to decide whether to skip waaaayy ahead, or pass on them for now so that I can watch in order. When I'm caught up, I'll be wanting those recs! Especially any McKay/Sheppard you might have, I'm thinking. They're adorable with their friendly (maybe even a little affectionate) squabbling and teasing and taunting. I'll probably start hunting down artwork before getting caught up -- I've seen some SGA art by an SPN artist whose work I really like, ileliberte, and it really peaked my interest in the show. I love her 'Bad Hair Day' SPN/SGA crossover art with Sam and Sheppard looking shiftily at each other's hair, lol ( ... )


oxoniensis August 29 2008, 23:55:47 UTC
I heard about Gustav today on the radio, and immediately thought of you - I do hope it doesn't hit too bad! You really don't need that.

As for the Free-For-All, thanks for the offer, you're a sweetheart! I think Pheebs and I have everything under control, but I really appreciate the offer! I just keeping hoping you'll get your wish for a Matt/Mohinder art request!

I've been working on a mood theme, but once that's done I'm going to go looking for people who don't have anything, and see what I can write. There are already some rather inspiring requests.

I have tons of McKay/Sheppard recs! They're the most popular pairing by far, so you have goodies to come!

As for order, I'd recommend sticking to the order, as you'll find some things confusing if you don't. Can you just record the new ones to watch later?


a_fallen_sister August 30 2008, 04:46:41 UTC
I just hope that if we lose power for days, poor little Zippy will hold up in the heat, soft, namby pamby indoor squirrel that she is. She just kind of went 'splat' in the heat after Katrina and she was only about a year old then; she's an old girl of four now! We went on a supply-run earlier -- it's amazing how bare the shelves are already (people tend to buy a lot more than they really need.)

I still haven't figured out if the Heroes fandom just doesn't like fanart that much, or if it's being posted in some community I haven't discovered yet, lol. I've found next to none (Matt/Mohinder, that is -- I've seen a little more of other characters.)

Yay! I'm glad I picked a popular pairing this time around, with SGA. I also find myself liking Teyla/Ronon -- I love the little faces they make at each other and the subtle rolling of the eyes when Rodney says something they find silly/amusing. :oD


katkim September 1 2008, 15:11:38 UTC
The sock picture is still cracking me up. It's Sam's annoyed expression and the fact that it's HIS sock :D

Hope you're not being blown away!

And hey! I've just read that Callum Blue is going to be in series two of 'Diary of a Call Girl' with Billie Piper! He better fictionally steal her away from David Tennant!!


a_fallen_sister September 4 2008, 23:06:49 UTC
Ha ha ha -- I'm in a smoothie cafe because I'm still without electricity/internet and you should have seen the way I furtively scrolled past my own artwork to get to this comment. Hee! People in here are going to think I'm a terrorist or something. No, no bombs. Just a cute naked boy with a sock on his dangly bits. :oP ( ... )


katkim September 5 2008, 10:35:03 UTC
I furtively scrolled past my own artwork to get to this comment. Hee! People in here are going to think I'm a terrorist or something. No, no bombs. Just a cute naked boy with a sock on his dangly bits. :oP

Hee. I had to scroll so the picture was just cut off from my screen when I first replied. I was at work. Then I had to sneakily wipe the history, cache and temp folder and everything. Phew. It's hard work admiring cute naked boys with socks on their privates in public! Isn't it?

Well, we didn't blow away! It was a whopper of a storm here in Baton Rouge, though.

I'm so glad you didn't blow away! I saw it on the news; it didn't look like a light breeze!

Here where I am, we're not expected to get power back before early next week, but I'm hopeful it may be sooner. *crosses fingers*That must be inconvenient and frustrating for day-to-day living, but I guess they have to fix the essential/emergency services first - and what with fallen trees on downed power lines etc. Jeeze, it must be a mess :( Fingers crossed that it's sooner ( ... )


a_fallen_sister September 10 2008, 23:28:44 UTC
Oh my god!! Hello, world!!!!!!!! I'm back. *g* It's truly pathetic how lost and morose I've been without internet these past years days. I got electricity back Saturday night, but I only had my cable/internet restored a couple of hours ago. And I feel whiny and spoiled to have been so miserable about that when my backyard neighbor's house looks like this:

... )


gottalovev September 13 2008, 12:50:05 UTC
OMG, this is priceless! lol! love it! it's so funny =D


a_fallen_sister September 13 2008, 17:16:39 UTC
Hee, thanks! This from the prompt 'socks'...my brain works in mysterious ways, even to me. :oD


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